Click yes or no in the poll and give a breif description in your post that tells why or why not Halo 3 is your favorite game.
Halo 3 is indeed my favorite game. Just having such amazing multiplayer would normally do it, but forge really makes it excelent. Other thanHhalo 3 I would have to say Halo Wars because of amazing multiplayer!
My top 5 games: 1. Halo 3 2. -open space to show how I like Halo 3 above any other game I played- 3. The Orange Box 4. -open space to show how I like Halo 3 and The Orange Box above any other game I played- 5. -open space to show how I like Halo 3 and The Orange Box above any other game I played- Honorable mentions (in alphabetical order): Battlefield 1942 Burnout Paradise Command and Conquer: Tiberium Wars The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion
I love Halo 3, but it is not my favorite. Possiblly Gears of War or CoD 4 and 5. Those are all good games.
Splitscreen play on Xbox live, and Forge. That's all I need for Halo to remain my favorite for a long, long time. Maybe if another game puts in the ability to play with guests or other people on the same xbox, I'll play that one, but game companies would rather pretend that forcing people to have their own copy to play it makes them sell more games.
Most of the time, yes. I get tired of it after loving it for about 3-4 months, then have a phase of COD and L4D playing, and then I remember halo again.
I honestly don't really know. Halo 3 is an awesome, really awesome game. But so is SSBB - and the Wii version of COD: WaW (even though it seriously lacks gametypes. Wiimote for FPS = awesomesauce). I'm not sure. That's a good question, really. I'll say yes, though, 'cause I love games with custom content, and although Forge is far from perfect, is a helluva lot more detailed than SSBB's Stage Builder.
Halo 3 IMO is easily the best game ever made, and I have evidence to back that up (e.g. selling over 10 million copies worldwide and the fact that people are still playing it after nearly 2 years) - The physics are perfect (you can deflect a rocket with a grav hammer or greande and it can even hit someone else, you can creatw rube goldberg machines, you can be splatttered by the wreckage of that vehicle you just lasered... the list goes on) - The story is excellent - The graphics are still better than some of the **** games the OS3 is churning out - The 4 player co-op campaign is soooo much fun - The theatre mode was groundbreaking and still is - The forge is unheard of, and despite its flaws it still beats Far Cry 2's editor because it is much more purposeful - The amount of stuff you can change in a custom game is amazing - The File Share system is also innovative - Matchmaking is quick, fast and now rarely lags at all (I don't care if there aren't 60 players in a match, the vehicles and different opportunities of attack on the enemy beat games like that hands down) - And despite recent beliefs, there has not been a single halo-killer since Halo: Combat Evolved Sure some games beat it in one or two areas, but not in enough areas to make it better. I biught the 360 solely for Halo 3. And I have never looked back. The only thing I regretted was buying a PS2, but I didn't know about Halo 1 or Halo 2 back then. If I had then I would have had an xbox.
My favourite new game.. but if we're talking about the classics.. 1. Zelda: OoT 2. Super Mario World 3. Zelda: MM 4. Goldeneye 007 5. FF7