I have videos, and as do friends of mine, of sniper bullets going through someones head, then not killing them, actually, there were multiple rounds fired into the head, no kill, same goes with brs at points (referring to swat), and lastly i noticed the same with splazer, ive been robbed of 3 in 1 shots with the lazer, and another time i shot a warthog, the shot went through the driver(no kill) and missed the gunner(kill, because i hit the hog, duh)...makes me sad... Now most of these occurances are actually on stand off...so is stand off broken more than others? or is it being in the shade assists your defenses? Because it seems like most of these occurances happen in the shade...i feel like i almost have the science down, but then again it doesnt always happen this way... I just don't understand what is happening, can i get an opinion or two of what is going on? Also, im pretty sure its not lag, these happen on green-bar games...
i've had to shoot people multiple times in the head with a sniper but none of the others, i think it must be lag or something.
yes, but you see i killed the gunner whom was nowhere near the laser, whereas the laser went right thru the driver driver lives on to fight another day
This has happened a lot to me also, but my connection changes every day. I don't know how fast it's going to be, but generally pretty shitty.
allright, as for you believers in the lag, what about this, they're standing still, as you snipe them in the head? 4 times...reload, oh i got him after a few more shots...
That's happened to me numerous times. Mostly in mathmaking, and when in custom games it's because of lag. It hasn't happened in custom games for me otherwise though. This has only started to occur I think after I got back into halo though.
It is lag. It doesn't matter if they're standing still, on the hosts game the player you are shooting at is not standing there. There has been quite a few Bungie news articles and podcasts that have discussed this and I really don't feel like sifting through them to find the ones that more fully explain it.
I have to say, that lag with the sniper is one of the most annoying things there can be. It just makes me depressed and feel like I have lost all my skill.
i can still save this vid if you want to see it...it goes right through the bloody driver!!! matter of fact im going to put it on my sign
Well the video would show the game from your connection, so it could be that on the host's game, the warthog wasn't exactly where you shot.
gah, your right...its just really depressing, it takes away from this game that is awesomeness... Oh, and i actually found a better one(even though its on my screen), its me shooting a hog, and the entire crew (driver, passenger, and gunner) survive. Btw, these two events are in the same game, so as you can imagine, i was really sad
Yeah, this is super annoying. There have been countless times where I'm killing a guy with a sniper, and he goes around a corner, but before he gets there I shoot him, see blood splatter, but the shot does not register. I actually have a video of me sniping this guy going through a mancannon with a perfect headshot, the shot not only does not kill him, but says that he sniped me, when he didn't have a sniper. I'm not sure if it was some sort of crazy ricochet, but I know for a fact that I nailed him straight through the head, and he came out of it completely unharmed. Btw, this should be posted in Halo Discussion.
ya, i realized that...sorry all, i didnt see halo discussion til after i posted this in gaming discussion
I once shot this guy riding a Ghost with a rocket. It destroyed the Ghost, but the driver was still alive, sitting on the ghost, just not being able to move though. I wonder what was going trough his head at the moment haha.
yup, ive got a video on my fileshare called un-killable man where I hit the guy 4 times with a snip and he just casually changes weapons whilst this is happeneing and then walks off. Halo is buggered, back to COD4 with me...
your connection sucks, that's why your have these things happen to you. I NEVER have these types of thing happen to me.