Debate Is God Real?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Y35 <3, Jul 29, 2008.

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  1. J A Y

    J A Y Ancient
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    What Reynbow's brother said is his opinion. I read it the whole way through and it was written very well. I believe in god and he practically spat in gods face by writing that. I now see why Reynbow has such a strong opinion in Evolution.

    hehe so true. Blaze is now GOD!

    EDIT: I took my sig out
    #21 J A Y, Jul 30, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2008
  2. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    Now that this is finally in the correct section, as it should have been, please try to be serious and not post irrelevant crap like 'I am God because I said so, lawl!'.

    The thing is, 'Is There A God?' isn't provable, at least for now, and the only way we can judge if there is a God or not is based on your beliefs and opinions. And that defies the whole point of a debate.

    HITtheLIGHTZ Ancient
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    See that's the smartest thing I've read so far. It's not possible to prove god using science (the idea of doing so is kind of contradictory anyway) and you certainly can't disprove god be suggesting a series of different theories that could be twisted to involve god himself.

    This topic is silly and most discussions here have already been had in the evolution thread.
  4. Grif

    Grif Na'vi Tits
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    There may or may not be a God. But if there isn't, then this is it, so live a good life. And if there is then if you lived a God life then you should probably go to heaven.
  5. BaronSharp

    BaronSharp Ancient
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    Frankly, I am a Christian. I believe that there is only one God as defined by the Bible. These are my beliefs. Do not insult them.

    Genisis 1:1

    As evolution is a theory, so is intelligent design. They are both defined as theories. Neither are defined as fact. My belief in the way the earth was formed and your belief are completely different.
    #25 BaronSharp, Jul 30, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2008
  6. ToochieHxC

    ToochieHxC Ancient
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    this is almost pointless...well not really, its a very very heavy topic that means alot to some people. but you dont know if there is a god or not. and you will never know unless you die. There is no proof nothing, thats why we just do not know. i think there is, but im very much open so i kinda believe alot of things. but there is alot to know when it comes to that department. what i ask of people, is to not be close minded. the more information you know the better :]
  7. FreshCherry

    FreshCherry Ancient
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    god is real. Period. how could you even debate on that??
  8. ToochieHxC

    ToochieHxC Ancient
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    prove it.
    im not disagreeing with you, but you really do need to explain yourself. tell us the details that justify what you think. thats why its called a debate.
  9. FreshCherry

    FreshCherry Ancient
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    well, first of all, how could the bible just be made up? plus how do you explain all the animals? how did they form? from apes? where would you go when you die? see, thats the thing. no one has proof, but we do have mental proof
  10. ToochieHxC

    ToochieHxC Ancient
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    its called evolution, its called "the big bang theory", there are so many other explanation that you maybe don't know about, which is why your prolly going to get alot of flame, ignorance is sometimes frowned apon in certain situations. this this one for example.
  11. FreshCherry

    FreshCherry Ancient
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    sorry i just trying to prove myself
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  12. ToochieHxC

    ToochieHxC Ancient
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    and thats totally cool, serio. everyone has their right to stand up for what they believe in. so i give you plus rep for that :]
    i just suggest you look up more on religion and such. it would do yo some good. knowledge is beautiful.
  13. M.Jelleh

    M.Jelleh Ancient
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    I think that god definitely exists, but is more than a person. I feel like he exists because I feel like someone is always helping me. =)
  14. bluepenguin23

    bluepenguin23 Ancient
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    i think there is something out there... some where in the heavans... and only the ones who truly belive can get there.
    i have many things on god. i am a cathlic so we belive strictly in god and belive that once the host is blessed in a mass that it truly is jesus body and same for the blood.

    i do belive in god but i have theries i came up with my self...

    comeing from ancient greeks and many other cultures, they have gods. like zues, or however you spell it.
    i thought what if there was a universal being who had childeren which he named zues and so on... and the father is the true god, but the sons and daughters created us.

    next is such as intelegent life forms, made by god, travled far into space. they lannded on this planet and left behind bacteria on them that then evolved like showwn in evelution. but the cretures where god made.

    next is what if god created evelution because he was bored of planets and stuff. so he created a thing that would slowly change and grow. he wanted to see what it would change into. but he made sure that it would turn into a fully funtional creature and such. it slowly evolved into us.

    now to stop things like the theries and start talking...

    if we truly were evoved cretures... how come no other creature is as smart as us and has the power to create things and live like we do? monkeys have been around just as long as us and they arn't as smart as us. god had created us in a way so we were like him. we could create. and much more!
    sharks have been around for millions of years. so have alligators. but none of them are as smart as us. and we were around for about 16,000 years... and alligators and sharks have been around for millions. so how come none have evolved like us? they had al lot more time! but sure we are alot different in structure but they have had more time. so why arn't they like us.
    it's like i said. divine creation make us so different.
    i could belive that everythin, but us, evolved. it would make sence why they aren't as smart. but god created us.
    sure all creatures are smart like pigs invented sun screen!
    but we are devine creations.
    no other life forum is quite like us.
    well maybe monkeys, but they have not advanced like us and they have been around as long as we have.

    one last thing...
    i respect your opinion so please respect mine. i'm fine with you saying the god of the sun and moon created the star god which created us, or i don't beleive in god.
    so at least respect my opinion please?
    thanky you
  15. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    You will find the terms 'I believe...', 'I think...', and 'My opinion...' in this thread a lot.
  16. Raw King07

    Raw King07 Ancient
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    I think Slayer has a good opinion on this matter. They say the Bible is "just the Folklore of it's time" which I think is an accurate description of the Bible. No one who was alive 2000 years ago is alive now, so we don't know whether any of this stuff happened, or if it was just a bunch of crazies who collaborated and wrote a masterful novel.

    Anyways, it's better to not care during life and find out there is in fact no god or afterlife than it is to waste away in life striving to go out of your way to do what's right and find out there's no heaven for you to go to.
  17. Silent oo death

    Silent oo death Ancient
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    The problem with god is that there is no way to prove he exists and no way to prove he doesn't exist. The way I see it is that you can prove things wrong from the bible the Torah and other books of scriptures. Yet people still belive.

    Why? because they want to. They want to belive that they have a gurdian angle that watches over them. They also need, if not consciously, structure and rigid morals that religion provides for them.

    To me god is the easy way out for way to many people. There is no thinking when you ponder the universe and say god did it. There is no struggle when you say that it is god's design. In realizing that there is no god you will see how flimsy the argument is. Like my stubborn friend said the other day when I asked him why he believed in god he said, "Because there are angles that are 12 feet tall. And Brian's mom talks to god and accurately predicted when a baby was going to come." I told him that when i saw proof I would believe it.

    How do you explain other religions? I asked him and he said because "they" have 2,000 gods one for each person. So what makes them wrong and you right? I am now wondering. Why must they be wrong? You have no proof for your gods and they have no proof of theirs.
  18. makisupa007

    makisupa007 Ancient
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    There seems to be a contradiction here somewhere.
    Nemihara and Raw King07 like this.
  19. Metallic Snake

    Metallic Snake Ancient
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    the trees, the sky, the animals, the water, the perfect temperature for sustained life, beauty, US. i dont think this came from an explosion of nothingness, everything just happening to be this way. and i dont see how we could all evolve from amebas. and if we evolved from monkeys, why are monkeys, still monkeys? what im trying to say is, like global warming, saying that humans are the center of the universe is holding us on too high a petistul. evolution is like saying, "we as humans, have come so far, adapting, becoming smarter(we're awesome)." and global warming is saying the same."we humans have the ability to kill out planet with paper bags and cars, and the planet is so fragile, we need to be better, and control how we effect everything." sorry to go off subject, but humans are impressive, but not THAT impressive. Every thing around us screams intelligent design. we just have to look past ourselves, and see the things bigger than us.
  20. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    What makes you think that you were so special that some God decided to make you more intelligent than other animals? You can't just expect that everything that makes us human has been designed from the start by one individual being. There are many other possible situations that give the same answer, and that is that humans are a technologically advanced species.
    ToochieHxC likes this.
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