Mythic DLC Ironyte

Discussion in 'Halo 3 MLG Maps' started by Oo iRoNy oO, Jul 20, 2010.

  1. Oo iRoNy oO

    Oo iRoNy oO Ancient
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    Made by Oo iRoNy oO & Nyte. Plays Iron 1v1

    Recommended Gametype:
    -Iron 1v1 (The official Ironyte 1v1 Gametype)

    Recommended Players:
    -Lets see uh perhaps 2.

    Weapons on Map:
    Name/How Many/Respawn Time/Clips/Spawn At Start

    -Plasma Pistol/1/120/-/Yes (Drop Spawn)
    -Plasma Grenade/2/30/-/Yes
    -Frag Grenade/2/30/-/Yes

    Background Story:
    Hello people! and welcome to the map known as Ironyte. A quick background story on the map, well there is no background story except for the fact that Oo iRoNy oO and I, Nyte, just randomly started taking turns forging a 1v1 asym that is based in the top corner in the crypt roof. This is a multi-floor map with a long ramp, ramp that curves..sorta, and a lift for that big WHOOSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! up to the top of the map. Irony and I started this map, well, for the lulz. Eventually, it somehow turned into a legit project and we have both made changes from the v1 which was pretty terrible, to be quite honest. We kept the upper floor pretty much the same, but we switched the location of the lift for obvious reasons, and added more to the basic geometry of the map. We also reconstructed the ramp to make it not as gay. We were going to make it so that the entire map would be pink (or purple, whatever you want to call it.) to just blue, so it would go with the name better. After a while we resolved our little dilemma, and decided to keep it blue. The map itself plays really well, but it requires its own gametype because Camo was OP, and so was the MLG Custom, and so was the normal OS. So i made it a custom power up but instead of over shield, or camo, this custom is a Damage Amp. It only lasts for 15 seconds so you have to make it count. Now, it makes the BR a 3 shot (2 body, 1 dome for kill) or 5 body shot kill, its still a double beat down, and the grenade has to land LITERATELY at their feet for a 1 nade kill. The map itself is pretty dope. But don't just take my word for it, have a look..... -Nyte


    Here's an overview of the top floor.

    This is a wall/window thingy. IDK what it is but it looks cool.

    This is a top view of Gold Ramp.

    Better view of Gold Ramp.

    That is where the Ironyte Custom Room is located.

    Ironyte Custom Room.

    This is the bottom floor. From left to right is Gold Ramp, Blue Lift, and Green Ramp.

    Another view of the bottom floor.

    Top view of Green Ramp.

    And finally some super mega action shots.



    One last thing, Nyte and I would like to give thanks to ThatKiDBeto for the epic banner.

    \\\ DOWNLOAD HERE ///


    #1 Oo iRoNy oO, Jul 20, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 20, 2010
  2. Given To Fly

    Given To Fly MP Level Designer
    343 Industries

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    This looks pretty nice, and I must say crypt maps are very sexy. I'll try to find some time to DL and at least take a Forgethrough.

    Good lookin job
  3. Cheeze

    Cheeze <FONT COLOR="#FE2EC8"><b>I Beat the Staff!</b></FO
    Senior Member

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    This map is pretty good from what I can tell by the pictures, But there is one thing that makes me sad.

    This is the CP room. It looks like there could be a lot of camping in there. Maybe you could open up a 2cd route into it? It could increase the flow of the map aswell.
  4. Nyte

    Nyte Forerunner

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    This shouldnt make you sad friend, its built like that for a reason, and a pretty good reason IMO. On almost all of the maps (if not on every map) you want top control, correct? Well Custom is located at the bottom of the map so you will have to leave your point of control to get custom or let your opponent get it and take a risk of dying a horrible, car cash on the highway, type death. Personally, every 1v1 i played on it, custom was only picked up like two times unless Irony or myself would be a total Lance Bass and time it.

    But thank you for your general concern for our map. we love you.
  5. lVlr Me 2

    lVlr Me 2 Forerunner

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    Great 1 v 1. I like the map, aesthetics, features, and the layout.
    Im sure it would make for a great quick game with you and a buddy, instead of playing him on guardian over and over and over
  6. ThunderSpartan9

    ThunderSpartan9 Ancient
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    This map is pretty sick indeed..The flow and geomerging is amazing..but im not to sure bout custom attributes it jus doesnt feel mlg..cuz in mlg its Two shots in da head then melee..but i will try it iout..good work bruh!!
  7. Nyte

    Nyte Forerunner

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    thank you thank you. I like it more than guardian because i have found that people just chill top gold or snipe tower the entire game.

    haha, trust me, i know. Irony and i played around with having camo and normal MLG custom on it, but we both agreed that damage amp works the best. With Custom and Camo, you were almost guaranteed a kill or 2. With the damage amp, the other person can still out br the person with damage amp. Irony and I didn't want to over power any part of the map for a good flow, but there are some things that we could possibly work on in a v2. We dont just forge a map and then basically say "this is how the map is, if you dont like it, then dont play it." We will take your feed back and try to adjust the map and make it with the things you guys said it could be better with, then test it, and if we, referring to Irony and I, dont like how it looks, but it plays well, we will keep it. If it looks good but doesnt play well, we will change it. We are here for you guys and are willing to make changes to the map to make it more playable for you guys. <3

    *edit* when iTz CHEEZ3 said that we could possibly add another way into custom, i didnt really think about it until a few minutes before this post. In a v2 possibly coming out in like 2 weeks or sooner (ill have to get with Irony and see) i will defiantly include this.
    #7 Nyte, Jul 20, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 20, 2010
  8. Nyte

    Nyte Forerunner

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    yes you did, i have a v2 already, but Irony and I need to make it all sexy again
  9. Mister man 1217

    Mister man 1217 Forerunner
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    The map is super clean and neat. That is what I love to see in Maps.

    The only concern I have is the Custom Power up in a 1v1. I think that it will allow for the CP user to be very over powered. In a normal 4v4 MLg Gametype, the CP wouldn't be as effective because 4 people can help eachother to take doen the user of the CP, but in a 1v1, that guy is history.
  10. Oo iRoNy oO

    Oo iRoNy oO Ancient
    Senior Member

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    That's the beauty of the map. The custom is in a room on the bottom floor for a reason. It takes a while for the player who grabbed it to get out and head back up to where the other player most likely is. That only gives him/her a few seconds to actually use the custom to his/her advantage. And if the other player actually plays smart, he will avoid the player who picked up the power up for those few remaining seconds. Plus, if you go down and get custom, you are just giving your opponent hight advantage, giving him the upper hand. It's pretty much all a matter of how you play. And, it's only damage amplifier, not an overshield. So it's not really as over powered as you would think.
  11. bunniesz23

    bunniesz23 Ancient
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    Did you try the forge 1v1 gametype?
  12. Nyte

    Nyte Forerunner

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    haha sorta, i read the feedback and it only seemed logical to open up custom, and i added moar to the geometry of the map, and put up a few things to block LoS.

    Yes, Damage Amp turned out to be the best because it only lasts 15 seconds and if your up top, you have to give up your top control to get custom. Irony explained in his post about why we went with damage amp over OS.
  13. BloodBender97

    BloodBender97 Forerunner

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    Hey, I honestly see this map as epic as I scrawl mah scroller over teh pics and stare and enjoy them. Haha, I am downloading now. I just thought I would like to mention that the Custom is not part of the map, MLG and pretty much anything else will still work. Its not like if you don't have the gametype it will be Slayer on Halo(painful memories) or anything.
  14. Nyte

    Nyte Forerunner

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    This is a valid point and you should receive a trophy for making this statement and actually reading the original post and seeing it was a damage amp and not over shield. Thank you.
  15. cD halomcee

    cD halomcee Forerunner

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    This map as already mentioned looks really neat and clean. I like the way it plays, it's really original because this kind of combat stiles are not that common to see or experiment.
  16. Nyte

    Nyte Forerunner

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    What do you mean by this?
  17. Oo iRoNy oO

    Oo iRoNy oO Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I'm guessing the way the map plays due to the two floors on the map.
  18. cD halomcee

    cD halomcee Forerunner

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    Indeed. It provides really interesting Gameplay by having 2 floors. MLG layouts are different, not much closed as this map but it's a really nice Gameplay I've never seen before on MLG.
  19. Nyte

    Nyte Forerunner

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    haha ill take that as a compliment.. i think.

    Irony and I tried to make this map as unique as possible. so.
  20. Phenomenal

    Phenomenal Ancient
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    Ironyte captures the spine-chilling element so few 1v1 maps uphold that your opponent could be following you at any moment without you realizing it. By diversifying the graphic theme of other 1v1 maps by building Ironyte enclosed and immensely close-quartered, it makes the map more exhilarating. Alas, forgers should keep in mind that the stress and the game rhythm decrease the player’s capacity to properly analyze the setting. With so many sudden elevation changes, it makes it difficult for players to determine their current position and locate it on the map. The main thing regarding 1v1 maps is to always give the player enough options to keep the map interesting, but not so many that it becomes confusing. Making maps easy to navigate is also vital to retaining good flow, because always knowing where you are is vital to knowing where to go next. The easiest way to solve this problem is by making a map that’s easy for players to conceptualize, and therefore easier for new players to approach. The complexity of the map should be in the cover and how a player uses the space once they engage in combat. You want players to be fighting each other not the map, right? Therefore, by making Ironyte simpler without such steep ramps and lifts, you ensure that players do not have to search for each other hindering the map’s flow, but rather confirming that they will hunt for each other allowing for a better gameplay experience.



    In a 1v1 match, saying it is “balanced” usually means that one player does not have an unfair advantage over the other. It is not as difficult to sustain balance in 1v1s as a higher player count; however, the map must still ensure that the skill of a player is sufficiently important in determining the outcome. What makes Ironyte quite entertaining is that it is essentially an environment of constant threat, in which the map keeps players guessing throughout matches. A good 1v1 map should make the player wonder if they’re in another player’s crosshairs, and learn to use the map’s cover and weapons to their advantage. Because the weapons on Ironyte are fairly standard without any power weapons, no exploitation of weapons occurs, but gameplay does get slightly dull at times. However, without these dominant weapons, you implemented player manipulation on the map moderately well as the map only provide players with weapons that suit the atmosphere of the map. Because the map is close-quartered, there is no need for a sniper on the map because the lines of sight are not long enough to make a sniper effective, yet more interesting gameplay would be assured if a more dynamic weapon layout was constructed.

    With the exception of one or two spawns, the multiple playtests on the map proved that Ironyte’s spawn system is essentially unflawed as most of the time players would either spawn on a different level of the map or behind cover subsequent to being killed.

    The actual geometry of Ironyte is relatively solid, with the exclusion of a few awkward areas. The steep ramp seems incongruous on a map that had much smoother height transitions at other parts. Changes it height makes maps much more entertaining as they fundamentally make a layout much more intriguing to a player, yet when changes are excessively abrupt like this ramp, players will in all probability try to evade this area when spawning on the lower level because they have such a height disadvantage to those above them. This spoils the flow of the map as players would much rather take continuous, fluid paths, so if they get caught head-to-head with their opponent, they can ensure that they have a better chance of winning the clash. The other awkward position is the custom powerup spawn at a dead-end. First of all, the custom powerup proved to be practically useless in each of the games I played. I know you call it a “Damage Amp,” but why would a player take a risk of trekking across the entire map to get an ephemeral powerup that makes players three shots? Risk vs. reward can be a magnificent aspect to add to a competitive map if implemented properly. The risk should not outweigh the reward, and an ineffectual custom powerup undeniably surpasses what a player must gamble to get to this area. Likewise, the location that this powerup spawns is incredibly bizarre. Whereas the rest of the map is interconnected by pathways, the dead-end does not blend in, and even though it was not a problem in playtests, it is dreadfully susceptible to camping as there is only one entrance to the area. Therefore, by removing this location, you are further deterring a player from camping there, or at the very least, adding alternate routes into this area will make it more accessible to players and allow players to escape if confronted by their opponent.



    Because Ironyte is forged in the top-corner of the crypt, the map is entirely inescapable. For such a small map with such a massive elevation change, the spawns are incredibly solid as no way to break the spawn system was found during the playtests. The only durability concern would be camping at the dead-end, which can be easily repaired.



    Even though there are not too many innovative aesthetic twists on the map, Ironyte does offer a rather unique atmosphere as it is one of the few maps forged at the top of the crypt. Furthermore, the map feels smooth and coherent while playing and offers and very clean-looking style. No structures stray away from the style the map was going for, with the intention of not distracting players from the gameplay.



    Even though there is a wide array of enclosed maps, it is still refreshing to encounter one late in Halo 3’s lifespan as they are not as frequently forged as some people would hope. Ironyte does offer a distinct atmosphere, but gameplay was not as unique as expected. The standard weapon set made matches extremely redundant at times. Similarly, because of the map’s confusing layout, gameplay became rather sluggish every so often as it became difficult to find your opponent. One of the greatest aspects of 1v1s is their ability to maintain fast-paced matches, but when it becomes a convolution to encounter an opponent, it is difficult to call a map remarkably original.


    Enjoyment: [​IMG]

    Balance: [​IMG]

    Durability: [​IMG]

    Aesthetics: [​IMG]

    Originality: [​IMG]


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