Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, girls and boys, whores and brigands, to the first peek at Iridescence, a 1v1 collaboration between myself and AceOfSpades. We, in the near future will bring you a grand total of 3 maps. That's right, folks, you heard right! 3 maps, each of them specifically designed for 1v1, and all of them different in their own respect. Be wary, for these battlegrounds are harsh and unforgiving, and only one man can be left standing. That is, of course, until the other man respawns. Until the official release, I have for you a few images of these maps, along with a bit of information regarding each. So sit tight, and keep any arms, legs, and any other appendages inside the ride at all times. This bewildering blue bonanza known as Azula was created by AceOfSpades. It centers around a hexagonal structure, which houses a fast-spawning Grenade Launcher. Due to the Grenade Launcher's vulnerable and accessible location, it acts as the apex of the flow of the map, as players move continuously into and out from the center of the map. I really don't quite know how this design came about, but I do know that some sort of mysterious drug was involved. Opal is a large, and surprisingly open 1v1 map created by myself, which focuses on player awareness and weapon locations. Each power-up and major weapon spawns in a location that poses a specific risk to the player who tries to grab and use these objects, whether this risk be falling, height disadvantage, or cornering yourself. At the epicenter of our map pack production is this, Lux, a map that arose with inspirations from many other famous 1v1 maps, co-forged between both Ace and I. Not unlike a spiderweb, this map's balance is strewn in a shroud of complexity and purple. With both our minds hard at work, several renditions of each part of this map were created until we found every matching piece of this majestic puzzle. So that's it. No refunds. You can be expecting this collection of 1v1 maps soon. How soon? Can't be sure, because you can't rush quality.
These all look like great maps, I especially like Lux and Azula. Opal looks good, just not as pretty. I'm looking forward to the release!
there's to much epic 1v1s right now... Yea, played these couple times, besides Azula. We should change that Ace, would love to try it out. And also, a co-forge would be amazing to do :O Edit: In honor of Nibs, "Drop spawning rockets!"
I was pretty impressed when you showed me Opal a while back. The others look good as well. I just don't understand the want to release three maps that fall within such a narrow category if that makes sense. Maybe it's just my personal preference to release a variety of different types of maps, but whatever. Hoping to get some games on these soon.
Sadface@Ion not being a part of this. I was looking forward to that triforge. Anyways, never played Azula. Tied you on Opal. Love Lux. Good job.
Ace and I are really particular about textures, how they blend, and how well they're scattered around each map. I always love it when people take notice of our aesthetic efforts, so thanks for that. Poor Opal, getting left in the dust. Thanks man, hopefully these'll get released soon. Drop-spawning rockets indeed. Thanks man, if you've got designs or ideas I'd be more than willing to attempt a co-forge. We're both fans of 1v1s, so there shouldn't be too much conflict of ideas. In terms of 1v1s, I think that these maps are pretty separate from one-another, though I see what you're getting at. The map pack idea arose just from luck when Ace and I realized that we had 3 1v1 maps together, and figured that it would be good for publicity's sake. The maps will be released individually, but still connected in a sense. I think I'm in love. Yeah, a 7-map map-pack with 3 co-forges, 3 solo forges, and a tri-forge. Would've been monumental, but alas, Cade is never online. Not to mention, we'd have to make 4 more maps, each unique in their own way, which would take excessive amounts of time to design, build, and test.
I've played Opal and Lux multiple times. I love them quite honestly. What I'm looking forward to right now, is Azula. It looks gorgeous. Show me, please next time we're both on?
If there's an agreement on ideas, then it might happen one day. I still need testing, so you're gonna need to play Opal and Lux even more. Well, maybe not Lux, since Erupt likes to play me on that map over and over until he wins, which hasn't happened yet. You're gonna have to ask Ace for Azula, I don't have the most recent version.
Sure, I've no problem with playing those maps more. Just send me an invite Hopefully I can play better than what I've previously demonstrated in our games on Lux and Opal. For some reason, I suck ass when I play against you. I mean hardcore suck..Lol.
Sorry about not being able to play Azula guys. I left for a ten-day vacation without giving anyone the most updated version. You'll be able to play it on Sunday when I get back.
Let me tell you that these maps are all unbelievable. I've played enough opal to know that it holds it's own against Lux and Azula. Also, I wish I had kept some of the games I destroyed you rorak. Can't wait for this release. Min 1/3 of this map pack to be featured
The Divide and Premise are my favorite maps for 2v2s at the moment, no **** but I squealed like a baby pig when I saw you guys were collaborating on some 1v1 maps. If I could predownload these I would do it.