Woah this style is really sticking for you eh?I love the colours in it it is awsome how the heck did you do this.Pm me?Also nice paint drip on the ends of the pods.
Yeah it was on the stock. Why didn't you CnC? I posted like two other sigs similar to this as seen in your CnC thread ;D XD
cause Hells caught them. And cause I have nothing to say about this that wasn't mentioned in the other threads...Other than the fact that you shouldn't get stuck on a style.
I know that. I'm just so fascinated with this one. Just look at all my sigs, they all look different, right?
well, I honestly liked your last style better...I don't like all the white and its to close to EGPs thing.
Meh, you took my style I think a c4ds could work really well with this style, I just havn't figured it out yet. Also tone down on your borders, they seem to thick. Nice sig though. The only problem really is that the colors behind are very boring and bland. Perhaps adding more layers and blending, also try to turn down the overaly as you add layers, so that it helps.
Thanks for the advice. Lawl, I didn't exactly take your style. Just experimenting. I made the borders quite thick because it would look better since the background is white and I use Old school theme. I have two other sigs with this style, go check 'em out