Does it really need to be an ipod? Or would you be fine with something else? Look around at Anything But iPod. I have a Samsung P2, but the headphone socket is messed up, and I need UMS and FLAC support, so I'm looking into getting a Cowon iAudio 7. It goes for about $150 here, and £100.00 in the UK.
can u compare the ipod touch to the ipod nano and tell me what u think is better using the info u have.
iPod touch is miles better but costs like $400 (I don't know in pounds). I have the 1st generation iPod Touch and it just keeps kicking ass.
I've had my 30 gig for like a year now and its still going good. I was pretty cheap since I got it at Costco. I also used to have the original shuffle, and that worked for like two years, but I wanted one where I could pick what sogs I wanted. Personally the Nanos look a little bit flimsy. I think there like 300 usd now which means like 150 pounds, but I think its way bettter to get the 30 gig if you have a lot of music.
My brother has the ipod touch .. I personally prefer the nano because i don't like the touch screen. I like the circle spin thingy =] I only had 120 pound to spend anyway and the 8gb nano is 110 pound so whoop! =]