Ipod decision ..

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Boydeh .., Sep 14, 2008.

  1. Boydeh ..

    Boydeh .. Ancient
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    Man thanks for all the help!
    But my bro has a touch and i tried it and i dislike using the touch screen ..
    I prefer the old mover thingy =]
    And i don't really want loads of features ..
    Just a couple of vids and pics and a whole lot of music!
    Right now i have like 900 songs but if i get more space and a new ipod i'll be buying more =]

    EDIT: Oh and i only have £115 and ipod touch more than that i think ..
  2. QKT

    QKT Ancient
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    dont bother with the touch
    its just a downgrade from the iphone
    wait for the next gen nanos and buy one
    i might join you with that if my clix goes horribly wrong
  3. the other dark

    the other dark Ancient
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    Some people can't get the iphone though, or the plan is too expensive.

    Anyways, thanks for the help DtL. I'm guessing I'll end up getting the 8gig Touch because I would rather have the features than the more space.
  4. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    Yeah, there is a few reasons why some people don't buy the iPhone. I'll list them just for fun...and to enlighten those who don't understand numbers too well.

    1. The price of ownership is not $200 like the price tag lists. When you factor in a minimum monthly bill of $70 a month over the course of two years, the total cost of ownership on an iPhone is $1880....plus tax and whatever extra fees they manage to tack on.

    2. Canceling a current phone plan. When you cancel a plan you're currently on, you're charged for the remaining months you contractually agreed to pay. Sometimes a person will have to pay $300 + to cancel their plan. Sucks doesn't it? Not only that but your credit rating takes a hit when you cancel your phone plan early (on non pro rated contacts).

    3. Cingular's coverage sucks in many areas. Out by me, Cingular has terrible coverage. I don't care how cool the iPhone is, if I can't make calls with it, then there is no point in owning one.

    4. The iPhone's reception is mediocre at best. As an iPod its a great piece of equipment, but as a phone it still needs improvement. It drops calls more often than your average cell phone....I'm sure this will improve as new generations are introduced, but its a problem at the moment.

    As you can see there are many reasons not to get an iPhone. Sure it has all those great shiny features...but at what cost? I'll stick with my iPod Touch.
  5. ZgreenZ

    ZgreenZ Ancient
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    same thing I did
  6. Willmatic

    Willmatic Ancient
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    Im getting the newest touch on thursday its only 230$ rite now. I also saw the cheap shuffle, its only 50 bucks you get like 500 songs and built in clip which is good and its its small.

    If you get a iPod online you can get your name inscribed so it might not get stolen.
  7. Warfang

    Warfang Ancient
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    The new nano looks pretty good, but I personally like the Zune. I like the radio feature, the social capabilities, and the new games look pretty good. Not to mention the scroll pad.
  8. xxAl Capwnagexx

    xxAl Capwnagexx Ancient
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    I've decided on getting the iTouch, but haven't decided on which one to get. The 32 GB is out of my price range, and right now I am leaning towards the 8 gig. Is it worth the extra $70 to get double the memory? I plan on storing probably a few movies and a whole lot of songs, along with a few apps (mostly games and facebook).

    The 8 gig can store 10 hours of video (so about 5 movies) and 1,750 songs, which is more then enough movies and songs, but you never know. The battery life is the same on all of them. I might also use the Nike+iPod thingy, as I might get new shoes also :D.

    So does anyone have a convincing argument (or a link to reviews) to sway me towards the 16 gig?
  9. Ryan. K.

    Ryan. K. Ancient
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    Get the nano, it looks very awesome too me. You also must get a yellow one, yellow is awesome.
  10. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    Careful there, it can hold 10 hours of video OR 1750 songs...not both.

    If you can get the 16gig one, go for it. You'll never know when you'll need the extra room.
  11. xxAl Capwnagexx

    xxAl Capwnagexx Ancient
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    ahh, I realize that now draw the line. Well, I probably won't go over 500 songs, so that leaves a lot of space for movies.
  12. Willmatic

    Willmatic Ancient
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    Wow, i spent all day yesterday looking at every store with iPods and NONE of them had iPod touches. Radioshack said they would have it by that day those ****ing liars. I ended up buying the new Nano which I can't complain about its great for its price (Motion sensor, wide ass screen, 8 gigs is good for me) and its so thin that you could probably chop someone's arm with it. Today my friend said there was a Apple store a town away omg was I pissed off lol.
  13. PandaMan

    PandaMan Ancient
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    get the iPod toich I made this post with mine
  14. Tinginho

    Tinginho Ancient
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    The new nano is pretty sweet(my friend has it).Its really awesome but think you should get ipod toouch for another hundred dollars.The price dropped like 200 and thats the new one.

    The new one has built in speaker,you can watch movies on bigger screen then ipod nano,it has genius mode(which means it makes playlist for you,read more about in link given),You can get games( can get games for free if jail broken),and the new one has a nice design.

  15. Boydeh ..

    Boydeh .. Ancient
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    Well it took me two weeks but i got the new ipod nano ..
    I got the blue one because there was no black ones there =]
    And i must says its amazing .. IT DOESNT RUN OUT OF BATTERY! OMG!

    So if you have any questions about the new nano feel free to post here
  16. Warfang

    Warfang Ancient
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    Yeah, I got a question. What is the difference from the old nano? Excuse my ignorance, but I really haven't gotten a chance to look into it.
  17. xFr1ct10nx

    xFr1ct10nx Ancient
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    personally id get the ipod nano, because both i, 2 of my friends and my mom(lolz) have one. so far ive had mine for 6 months and nothing bad has happpened to it(except the ear pieces broke, but that was my fault). same thing goes for my friends and my mom(once again lolz).
  18. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    Price and design are the biggest differences. The 8 gig nano used to cost $200 and it only currently costs $150. They also have a 16 gig version available for $200 now.

    The new nano is tall and narrow, unlike the old one which was fat and short. I believe the screen is a bit larger, although I could be mistaken. They have also added the additional feature that when you shake the nano it shuffles your songs. There are a few more small details, but those are the big ones to worry about right there.

    The only upside to the old nano is it got better battery life, but by a marginal amount.
    Warfang likes this.
  19. ZANDER1994

    ZANDER1994 Ancient
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    Hey, you know that you get more memory for your money with Zune, and you can use microsoft points to buy songs. I have about 5000 songs on my computer, so i need that.
  20. Boydeh ..

    Boydeh .. Ancient
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    The screen is actually quite large compared to some other ipods i've seen.
    I never had the old nano so i could answer this so thanks for answering it for me =]

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