iPhonography v1.0

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Miraj, Dec 12, 2011.

  1. Miraj

    Miraj Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I have dire interest in Photography, however I don't know **** when it comes to it. Shutter Speed settings, Lenses, etc.. is all a jargon to me, but I have an interest to learn. I do not own a camera, but I have decided to take some photos every now and then and hopefully the community can help me develop the skills and technicalities needed to improve myself. Since I don't know ****, you can be as criticizing as you want and any comments, or feedback, will be appreciated, good or bad. Thanks for the help. :)

    Below are some pictures I took today, on my commute back home from school. I'd like to keep everything as natural as need be, but I'll post up an edited version of this photos in a later thread for comparison. All the photos below have been unedited, natural, and not in any particular order.
























    #1 Miraj, Dec 12, 2011
    Last edited: Dec 12, 2011
  2. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I was first hoping for porn...
    Then; i was hoping this was like a take-the-micky thing and was eagerly awaiting a homeless guy taking a poo with a close up of it.

    Sadly I was let down :(

    but cool picturz n stuff brah (Y)
  3. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The first is the best out of the group.. at least imo.

    There are many things that you should watch for:
    -Composition - there seems to be none, besides maybe repetition (look up the rule of thirds, emphasis, golden section rule, contrast, etc.)
    -Overexposure/underexposure - many segments are extremely overexposed, especially those pictures of the sky (some good techniques to overcome this is to not take pictures of the sky with a bad camera (lol), look up HDR photography, and look up aperture/shutter speed... I'm pretty sure there's an app that lets you control the shutter speed, at least)
    -Blurriness (while this is understandable since you're using an iPhone)

    Big thing though is composition. You have to put thought (a message) into the image, then you need to be able to convey that thought with techniques, which is something that takes a while to develop. From what I've learned, this is what basically separates the amateurs from the better photographers: conveyance. However, you should start with the basics. I'd say, take a class and/or buy a couple books.

    I might seem biased because I hate how people think, "Hey, I have a camera, therefore I am artsy!" You're on the right track, but you need to understand the photography "jargon." I hope it's a given, but I'm in no way saying I'm a professional at this. I've only taken a couple classes and I have one beginner digital SLR (single lens reflex) camera.

    tl;dr Learn the basics then you can develop techniques and a "style" to effectively convey ideas.

    Edit: You do have several cool ideas though

    Edit 2: I found this comment on a youtube video that criticized "bad" cameras.. thought it could be of use..

    #3 Monolith, Dec 15, 2011
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2011

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