Someone has to be extremely disturbed to commit acts such as these but some conidtions do alter your mind that much. Its not right to judge in situations like this because you don't know what was going through the person's head. Rather than blame the mother, blame the authorities for letting another diseased person slip through the system.
Yes. But its hard, for instance, most serial killers are activists in thier communities, or nice friendly people.
Yes, let's not blame the mother that actually killed the boy. Lets blame the system that didn't notice the murderer, even thought that would be nigh impossible without a warning flag or something such as this. Because that freaking makes sense.
I don't think there's reason to blame anyone. Sure, it was a terrible thing that she did, but she obviously isn't right in the head and has serious mental problems that made her act this way.
Doesn't matter, she still did it. IMO she is to blame. All men "and women" should be on the same plane, she killed him, so she could get the full punishment. Retribution isn't about what state of mind you were in, it's about what you did.
Someone should have noticed her condition before and could have prevented this but still I agree she is the only one to blame for this. How the hell could you eat the brains of a baby?
I've learned during my time here on the interwebz that nobody is ever willing to change their opinion and succumb to another person's. With that said, I respect your thoughts on this and somewhat agree with you.
Thank you for respecting my personal ideals, but I wouldn't say it's impossible to sway people. You could post your thoughts on this.
Someone should have noticed her condition before and could have prevented this but still I agree she is the only one to blame for this. How the hell could you eat the brains of a baby?
Well, I'd like to think that I am firm in my beliefs and morals while still remaining flexible and understanding of other people's ideas. However, one thing I do believe is that nobody on Earth can accurately analyze themselves due to pride, confidence, self consciousness, and a load of other factors. I don't believe I've ever been able to drastically change someone's opinion based on my opinion and most of the time not even by using solid, undeniable facts and examples. I could go on and on about this, but that's for another thread at another time.
Even though unspeakable acts of violence like this do happen, its one gruesome death out of hundreds to happen each year. I don't blame either party, the woman obviously needs help, and the authorities had no way to know something like this would happen at that household.
If someone held a gun to your mother's head, and said "if you don't kill this rapist, I will kill your mother." That will severly change your mind.
My grandparents made me eat cow brain once. It was actually not incredibly awful. I mean once you get over the fact that it's a brain that you're chewing on. On the other hand, human cannibalism? wtf.
I'd kill the rapist, then the man with the gun, then my mother. /fake answer I'd either kill the man (and take any punishment later) or I would let my mother die. Most likely I would kill the man, but this killing would be different than this one by a long shot. It's almost justified, it's not even close.
Can't take a joke. You're joking when a 5 week year old baby is tortured and killed? When someone kills your parents by raping them, torturing them, then lighting them on fire.. do you go off and make a joke about it? Wow. You are a little messed up, my friend. What he said. An eye for an eye? You need to stand in their shoes. She obviously has problems and it can be assumed that she regrets what she's done. You can't tell her to go rot in hell and not do anything about it. She obviously needs help. Any human with the right mind would know that. /sorry if that seemed harsh, but damn... I'm just .. speechless
No, I said what I meant. If I killed the man I would accept the full punishment for murder when we got out of the situation. I hold my ideals fairly high, and I wouldn't change them just because it was my neck on the chopping block instead of someone elses. So I believe she should be charged with what she did, even if you hypothetical question was a poor comparison. Yes, I would most likely make jokes about it at a latter date. Obviously not at the moment, but I would obviously make a joke or two later in life. What you don't seem to get is that this doesn't concern us. The closest tie anybody here has with this story is Shatakai, because he lives in Texas. And you don't seem to know much about human nature. Yes humans are indeed "messed up". It's usually either laugh or cry in times of adversity. It's up to you to choose which. I love how you're saying I'm not in my right mind and insulting me by the way. I don't care if she has problems, that's anywhere near a good enough defense. An example? Hitler obviously had huge amounts of problems, but nobody says "Oh wait, he wasn't in his right mind, it's all good brew". No matter what "frame-of-mind" you're in when you do something, you have done it. You did it. Therefore you should be punished accordingly.
Oh yeah, I read this on the MLG forums a few days ago. That's pretty messed up that someone would do that.