Invasion! A large infection map built on the main surface of sandbox, with two fortresses. The humans start in the heavily armed fortress, while the zombies start in the tunnels. Built for 8-16 players. Play with Extermination game variant. Download Here! : Halo 3 File Details
You have to embed at least one picture for your map post... Add some detail to your description too, just for good measure. *sigh* that's a guide by sweeny telling you how to embed pictures. Get your map post up to standards or it will be locked.
You need to imbed pictures. Here is a tutorial. If you don't imbed pictures, your thread will be locked within 24 hours. EDIT: Bugger, RightSide. You beat me to it.
Sorry mastersync23, I need to point out the easier method, HaloScreenshots, to newer members. Click the link I provided (--> Haloscreenshots <--) Click that, type in your gamertag on the side, then click on a picture you want to use of yours, and once you click it, go under the picture where it says BB code. Copy that and paste it into the thread. Do this for all of your pics, and you'll have a good 1st post. Again I am sorry, but I'm giving him options and helping. Nobody else post, nobody else needs to post but Soulshadow. -Dylan
the map looks nice but those 2 turrets in the fort?!? that would be very unfair for zombies considering they would have to charge straight into machine gun fire along with other humas shooting.