Invasion: Uprising

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by cory21, Feb 18, 2011.

  1. cory21

    cory21 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Here's the latest Invasion map I've been working on called Invasion: Uprising. It is inspired by the Halo 2 campaign level, Uprising.

    1st Phase: Open the Temple Grounds
    The first phase is small, but very fast paced. I've made a few changes to the loadouts, mainly removing the Assassin class, and taking away the Elites starting grenades. However, there are grenades that they're able to pick up at spawn.







    2nd Phase: Open the Temple Doors
    The 2nd phase is similar to the first phase. It opens up the Sandbox a little more. I tried to keep the weapons mainly mid ranged weapons, to Assault Rifles and Plasma Repeaters will be common. DMRs and Needle Rifles are still available as a loadout, but they are designed as just marksmen, and have limited close quarters capabilities.



    3rd Phase: Steal the core
    The final phase involves the Spartans getting deep into the Temple and stealing the Core. The concept of mid-ranged weapons is still prominent here, but the DMR and NR classes are still viable options. More vehicles become available such as the Rocket Hog, Scorpion, Revenant, and Wraith. They are put on timers so each the Spartans and Elites alternate getting a new vehicle. The Elites get the Revenant first, the Spartans get the Rocket Hog, then Wraith, and finally Scorpion.



    For some reason, the pics of the interior of the Temple didn't upload. Just assume its awesome :p

    Anyways, if I send you an invite, its probably because I'm playing this, ArkAngel, or Vestige. Join.
  2. Berb

    Berb Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Is this level from halo 2 late on in the campaign when you are arbiter cuz I have played that campaign in sooooo damn long
  3. The Farting One

    The Farting One Forerunner

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    Looks pretty good, I remember you asking in Vice's TGIF party last night whether we could play test this. I loved Halo 2's campaign and I liked this mission, so I may DL when it's finished.
  4. cory21

    cory21 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Here's the link the a video of the H2 campaign level.

    YouTube - Halo 2 Walkthroughs Uprising Part 2/2

    The area I forged begins at 5:30 and ends at 9:30.

    Thanks for the comments, but only 2 Forgehub? No te gusta? (You don't like it?)

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