Invasion Series?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Writingrider, Jan 17, 2012.

  1. Writingrider

    Writingrider Forerunner

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    I don't know if anybody has done this before but what if somebody made a really big invasion map and then set up the first three teirs, saved it as _____ 1/3, set up another three objectives and saved that as a new map titled _____2/3, then did that again to make part 3/3. Theoretically, it would be a nine tier invasion series. You'd play the first three tiers, and when the game was over, change the map to 2/3, play that, then go to 3/3.
    Would it actually work out or is it just a dumb idea?
  2. Auburn

    Auburn a dope soul
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    No, that's not a bad idea at all. A series of maps is always fun if it has a good story line. By having more than just one map you can make a much more in-depth story. Just make sure each map is unique in it's own way, so that they won't be repetetive and boring. If your going to do this I wish you good luck! because the invasion gametype is by far the hardest to forge for.
  3. xDTx Kaos

    xDTx Kaos Forerunner
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    You could make like a spec ops mission type thing where elites are trying to sneak attack through a sewer to get into a unsc base. The sewer is the first map. Second map is outside in the streets and buildings. Thrid is like the main base. Just an idea.
  4. Writingrider

    Writingrider Forerunner

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    Thats a good idea I hadn't thought of that. I came up with this because I like to write sci-fi novels and I had written this really cool battle that I thought would make a cool map. However it was quite large and there were lots of things that the players would have to accomplish so I knew it couldnt fit into 3 tiers.
  5. Skyward Shoe

    Skyward Shoe BTB Legend
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    There is nothing wrong with this as long as all three are good. Here is the issue though; invasion maps are the most complex map type in reach and take a lot of time and patience to perfect. Making one good invasion map is a challenge, but making three before Halo 4 comes out would be a massive ordeal. I would suggest you take the time to make one very good invasion map first and then decide if you want it to be a series.

    Also, don't try to make all three in a line (where one ended the next begins.) Forge World does NOT have enough space to support three 6 v. 6 invasion maps in a row. If you think it does I can assure you they will have massive problems. What would be interesting is if one went a certain direction (say towards the ocean in the canyon) and the next went in the reverse with a familiar yet different layout/ theme (think the levels The Storm and Floodgate in Halo 3.) This would be interesting and more plausible, though remember making one invasion map is still a huge undertaking.

    Edit: Some good people to talk to about invasion maps are AbleSir Thomas and OakleyHiDef from The Halo Forge Epidemic or the Halo Wheelmen (name of site.) They can help a lot.
    #5 Skyward Shoe, Jan 17, 2012
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2012
  6. Burning1nWater

    Burning1nWater Forerunner
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    #6 Burning1nWater, Jan 17, 2012
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2012
  7. Berb

    Berb Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I think doing an Invasion series is a wonderful idea. I actually think I may do something similar when iv'e finished my current invasion map.
  8. BulletCatcher

    BulletCatcher Forerunner

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    Sounds to me like a mini campaign with a different outcome each time played through. I wish you the best of luck!

    Are you trying to tie together three maps within Forgeworld itself, or do you mean three entirely different maps? That would be cool if possible.
  9. ZipZapZop

    ZipZapZop Forerunner
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    It would work, there is nothing stopping it's success. However, my two cents are that making extended Campaigns of 3+ complex maps turns out to be an extremely difficult, frustrating, and time consuming task. And I only did journey infection maps, god knows how long Invasion would take.
  10. Writingrider

    Writingrider Forerunner

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    I saw that series. It was awesome and it looked like you'd put in a lot of effort.
    I'm just toying with the idea now. I might just wait until Halo 4. I would hate to consume my life and just be finishing when Halo 4 comes up and whatcha-know, forging is much faster and theres a whole new way of doing it.
    What would be really cool is if in the first game the spartans attack a city and take control of it. Then in the second game, the Elites regroup and attempt to retake it, starting at the other side of the city. I dont know what the third one would be, or if even a third map would even be necisary, but that would be awesome. Then all I would have to do for the second map would be making it look damaged so that the results of the first fight could be seen. And I guess to spice it up i could use part of the previous map, cut off the other part, and build a new part to keep it fresh.
    #10 Writingrider, Jan 22, 2012
    Last edited: Jan 24, 2012

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