Suon Jon __________________________________________________________ Map Download: : Halo 3 File Details Game Type Download: : Halo 3 File Details All Credit for the Gametype goes to Rifte. ____________________________________________________________________ No time to explain! Reach is falling in 47 days! I possible cant post everything!? But I can, but I just dont wanna. So here's the pics and no, im not a pro at forum posting! : First off, the Hold Out Site( UNSC BASE) Next, the Building Ruins The Central Buildings(Where most fighting ocures) ^ Same area as above ^ And Lastly, the Covie Spirit( Base ) _____________________________________________________________ Thats all for today. Im posting my last Invasion Repel map later on this week or next month some time. BTW: I have cancled my Invasion Repel CQC game, sorry.
This map seems more suited for invasion slayer. Invasion repel is not a very balanced or good gametype and is very one sided. But the map I have seen this before u released it and it is very fun to play on (even with invasion repel) and it makes invasion repel better because of the cover and other important elements that reach lacked. Very well built and I must say 5/5.
Nice map man! I looked around and it looks like it has pretty good amount of cover and I love the building on the hill. The only thing I would change is that the spirit is a little bulky. And I noticed that you had a very bent wood plank merged into a building, unless it's supposed to look bent I would fix it. Anyway really nice map. Almost looks like it plays better than riftes Reach map!
You did a great job on getting my attention on the first pic. The other pictures on the other hand, were somewhat of a let down. While everything looks thoughtfully and well placed, nothing seems to catch my attention like the first building did. Try and get more attention by making your spirit with lots of merging goodness and possibly make it more sleek. Making another cool, more elaborate building somewhere would be good also. One more thing i'll point out that is awesome in my opinion, is the mongoose tunnel in the third pic.