Invasion question

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Ghostly Zealot, Sep 25, 2010.

  1. Ghostly Zealot

    Ghostly Zealot Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I was wondering if you can set vehicles as an assault target in invasion, and if so, can you still drive them/destroy them normally? Hope someone can help with this.
  2. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    No, only the flag stand and objective area can be used as assault bombs or cores in invasion. Sorry Brah!
  3. Rolfero

    Rolfero Ancient
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    Just tested, vehicles can be an assualt target. They are still drivable, but cant be destroyed. They are drivable when the bomb is armed too. Vehicles can also be bomb spawn points, but they spawn below them (atleast default warthog). Also makes them invulnerable
    They can also be territories, invulnerable though. If you drive away in them, the marker seems to stay in the original position. The counter resets if the vehicle would respawn before the count reaches zero. Also, as territories wont be captured when driving a vehicle, it doesnt work to drive the vehicle at the same time.
    Vehicles can also be spawnpoints for cores/flags, making them invulnerable in the process. They can also be return points for cores/flags. They are also drivable but invulnerable :/
  4. Goldbug

    Goldbug Forerunner

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    How does one make a vehicle a flag/bomb spawn point? You're saying that conceivably, you could make a CTF game where players must capture a vehicle and drive it back to base?
  5. Rolfero

    Rolfero Ancient
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    No, but you can set the vehicle to the spawnpoint where the flag/core would spawn.
    You can, however, in CTF or assualt, make the vehicle the return point and make the bomb/flag carrier traits to speed zero jump speed zero, so you cant move with the bomb. Then you need to get the plant zone/return point to the bomb/flag, and pick up the flag which will return it/plant it.
  6. Ursus

    Ursus Ancient
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    I think a few people are misinterpreting the question. The answer to this is yes, yes/no.

    I just set up a rudimentary invasion game where the bomb is used to blow up a hog. As long as you remember your labels and boundaries, it works. The 'plant zone' moves as the hog is moved, so I would recommend disabling vehicle use unless you're into some troublesome shenanigans.

    The vehicle can be driven. However, making it the objective target makes it indestructible. I personally had hoped that the completion of the phase would strip it of that status as it blew up, but it doesn't.
  7. The Jolly Llama

    The Jolly Llama Forerunner

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    Sorry to bump a month old thread, but I figured it was better than making a new one. Is it possible to set the core drop off to the actual vehicle? I'm making an Invasion map and I've set the carrier traits to gunner/passenger only, and neither work.
  8. Ursus

    Ursus Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Erm, in theory, yes, I would think. You would need to expand the vehicle's boundaries, though, so that there is an area for the core carrier to go into for it to register the drop off. If you don't set a real boundary, than it will not work.

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