Invasion Phase Spawning Help

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by English Mobster, Oct 21, 2010.

  1. English Mobster

    English Mobster Forerunner

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    Hey everyone.
    I've been working on an Invasion map (map preview should be available in a bit), "Database". Essentially, Spartans are attacking and Elites are defending. The first phase is an Assault phase, which plays out as it should.
    The second phase is where trouble comes into play. I want to allow the Spartans to spawn where the Elites just were, while the Elites are forced to fall back (for example, when the Spartans can no longer spawn in the Bulkheads after Phase 1 in Boneyard).
    However, no matter how hard I try (I've even tried setting the Elite respawn points to be deleted after phase 1, but then they just spawn out of the respawn zone marker), the Elites can still choose to spawn where they did in phase 1 in addition to their new Phase 2 spawns.
    It isn't an issue of not having my respawn zones set up properly (I've been doing some research on that), and the fireteam spawning system is set up the same as it is in the Bungie documentation. I am confused as to why this is still an issue.
    Can anyone offer any help in disabling the Phase 1 spawns for the Elites?
  2. pab1o

    pab1o Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    could you post the settings of your respawn areas? I know you think that they are set correctly, but imho there must be something not set correctly if phase 1 spawns are available in phase 2. If you could upload your map to your file share I would be happy to have a look and see if I can find the problem, if I can't maybe someone else could too :)

    From my understanding of your map, you should have Elite phase 1 spawns as follows:

    Team: Blue
    Game type label: INV_RES_P1
    Spawn sequence: (fireteam dependant) 0,1,2, or 3+

    and Elite phase 2 spawns as:

    Team: Blue
    Game Type Label: INV_RES_P2
    Spawn sequence: (fireteam dependant) 0,1,2, or 3+

    If you have a spawn area set with game type label INV_RES_ZONE, then this will be available to all fireteams for all phases. Forgive me if you have all this setup (or if I've made a mistake), just thought I would see if that is what you have.

    Therefore I believe you have two respawn areas in the same place, one is Red Team for phase 1, and the other is Blue Team for phase 2, is this correct?
  3. GunPantsRomance

    GunPantsRomance Forerunner

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    pab1o is correct.

    i had a hard time with this early on also.
  4. English Mobster

    English Mobster Forerunner

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    Ah! I see where my problem may lie now. I have a respawn zone set to Phase 1 for the Elites in addition to their INV_RES_P1 areas. That may be the issue. I'll remove the respawn zone and see if that helps.
    E: That did the trick! Thanks, guys.
    #4 English Mobster, Oct 21, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 21, 2010

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