Invasion: Landing zone

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by ringOFtones, Dec 13, 2010.

  1. ringOFtones

    ringOFtones Ancient

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    A small force of spartans were being sent to extract a vital data core from a covenant controlled outpost in sector 8069 B. They were shot down by a covenant Anti-aircraft gun. The survivors scavenged for vehicles and must capture the base with a small force. The front wall of the base is strongly protected by elites. You must extract the data core.

    note: the first phase is Very long. It lasts 10 minutes and it takes 1 minute to take a territory, but it does set the stage for extreme carnage. If you dont't want to expeirience the carnage, download this cut version with a 5 minute phase 1.

    Phase 1: ire per viam

    Cross the highway to deactivate the relay stations outside of the outpost.



    Phase 2: ostium tempestate

    Storm the entrance and deactivate the door.



    Phase 3: Core virtus extract

    Extract the data core from the outpost.



    note: you cannot get vehicles in this room anymore, and its purple now.

    Action shots:













    #1 ringOFtones, Dec 13, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2010

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