Invasion: Fulfilled Prophecy

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Equin0x, Jun 9, 2011.

  1. Equin0x

    Equin0x Forerunner

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    Hey, Forgehub. This is the preview of my first shot at an Invasion map. This is also the most tested map I have made thus far.

    Spartans: Soldiers, your mission today is to secure the core, hacking into the terminals to take covy information and down the shields as you go.​

    Elites: Brothers, the demons must not defile the sacred golden eyes. Prophets forbid they steal the core!​

    Gametype information:
    Phases: Territories, Territories, Core.
    Recommended Player Count: 8-10
    Power Weapons: Shotgun (Humans, phase 1), Evade (Humans, phase 1), Warthog (Humans, phase 1), Rocket Launcher (Humans, phase 2), Needler (Elites, phase 1)​

    Testing Information:
    Testing Session Count: Pending
    Testers: Eightball, JGarb, HMS GOVIER, Virus11010, Panic45, Squidman33, Knight of 0rder, others.
    Changelist: Pending​

    Backstory: This map is my second most prized map to date, the other not being tested yet. This map, even from the first form up in the the quarry, was pictured with two basic ideas; to be based off of previous halo campaign missions in which you lay siege to forerunner structures, and to have terminals. Yes, terminals. I can honestly say that this version is completely deifferent from its first form. So different in fact, that it doesnt give it justice to be called a version. And so Fulfilled prophecy was born.​


    Overview ofthe first phase:

    Phase 1 objectives: "Terminals"

    Red main spawn

    Nuetral Loadout Camera (before "sneaky beaver path" was made)

    Red man cannon

    Best pic of phase 2 I could get ( I will try to get more.)

    Phase 3 Overview (Credits for aesthetics to JGarb.)

    Core Spawn

    Go ahead and ask Eightball, JGarb, HMS GOVIER, Knight of 0rder, or Panic45 how much I used them to test it.​
    #1 Equin0x, Jun 9, 2011
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2011
  2. Knight Of 0rder

    Knight Of 0rder Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    You sure did do a lot of testing. I remember playing on this map like 6 times in one day. You would test, make a few changes, and then test again.
    As for the preview. I think your pictures of phase 2 don't do justice to the map. Phase 2 of the map was probably the most fun part of the invasion(at least for me). It was a constant struggle between both the Spartans and the Elites. The rest of the pics seem to be good. I would just add more pics for the 2nd phase. I would also make sure to add a pic of the "sneaky beaver path".
    This sentence doesn't make sense. "Prophets forbid the steal the core!" I might say, "The Prophets forbid the steal of the core!" There is also the "Besy pic of phase 2 I could get" I'm pretty sure that is supposed to be "best".
    Other than that the post seems to be good. When you release the map out officially, I would add a nice little border around your pictures.
  3. The Muppet King

    The Muppet King Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Your constant testing pretty much ruined this map for me :p. This map plays like a campaign level on legendary. It's nice that some changes like removing sniper, which I hope you find a replacement for, were made, but you could do something for the man cannon. Great map though.
  4. Equin0x

    Equin0x Forerunner

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    1) Thanks for noticing how much I tested, though I dont think anyone didnt.
    2) For more pics of Phase 2 I would need another testing session for action shots.
    3) Thanks for catching those spelling and grammar errors.
    4) I dont know how to put a border :(
    Well, gee. Im sorry I ruined the map for you, Im sure I ruined the map for JGarb as well. Saying that it plays like campaign means a lot, as I stated in the OP, this map was meant to play like a campaign level. I replaced the sniper with an evade,but ill adjust the spawn time on that. Ive been thinking about replacing the grav lift with a tele.
  5. JGarb

    JGarb Forerunner

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    I wonder how parts of the map look so smexy...certainly wasn't me.

    But really, this is a good map. You spent countless hours making and perfecting this. It's cool to see a map evolve before your eyes. Can't wait to see the final product.

    PS: We tested this map so much, i had a mini stroke everytime i saw Equinox was part leader (im kidding, without all the testing, the map would not be where it is now)
  6. Equin0x

    Equin0x Forerunner

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    To be quite honest when I saw you posted I envisioned what you would say, I was hardly a sentence off.

    Thanks for that credit reminder BTW. Aesthetics for entrance to phase 2 and core room courtesy of JGarb.

    Not surprised at how people 'had a mini-stroke' when they saw I was leader. I cant blame 'them' though as every time I got an opportunity to test, I did. Sorry if I ruined it for some people.

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