Invasion Forge Question

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Daedalusy, Mar 11, 2011.

  1. Daedalusy

    Daedalusy Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    During the past few weeks I have been working on Bulwark, my fourth submission to Forge Hub and my first Invasion map. I believe that it is within a week of being posted for testing, and I am currently having trouble setting up the map's two Assault-based scenarios. I have only tested this with one player.

    Whenever an Elite carries the bomb to the plant point, the countdown bar shows how much time is left until the bomb is planted. I designated this in the game's options and the process seems to flow smoothly.

    As soon as the bomb is planted however, the Elite has about a second to escape the blast. The Invasion options only seem to let me decide how long it takes to arm the bomb and how long it takes to disarm the bomb, not letting me decide how long the planted bomb must be defended. I set the disarm time to 15 seconds, but this does not seem to change anything.

    My goal is to give the defenders 15 seconds to disarm the bomb with a 5 second disarm time. Am I overlooking something?
  2. Luv Gunn

    Luv Gunn Cartographer
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    Hooray, someone trying to make a legitimate Invasion Map! I've never tried to have two Bomb plants in a game so I can't be sure that isn't affecting your gametype. The only other thing I can think of is that you are not using the default gametype but you started with, say, Invasion: Breakpoint or something like that.

    You'll get plenty of other people that will tell you to double check your settings and make sure you take your time looking through all of the options. So make sure you do that first and avoid all the repeat offenders.
  3. Daedalusy

    Daedalusy Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I built Invasion: Bulwark off of the default Invasion template, so any leftover options aren't a problem. I don't see how two different Assault-based scenarios would affect it either. I suppose I could check through every option menu, but I'd still like a specific answer.

  4. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

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    offense timer=arm time
    defense timer= fuse time

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