Invasion: DROP SHOCK

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by RazorChaos7, May 3, 2011.

  1. RazorChaos7

    RazorChaos7 Forerunner

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    HI this is RazorChaos7. and this is my first invasion map. its called DROP SHOCK. now the mission is for ODSTs to drop out, disable communications, blow up the blockade, and take the core back up to the ship. Now i know it seems hard (which it is) but the core runners speed is 200 percent which helps cuz when i played ODST the character was faster with the turret than a spartan so that inspired me. now heres some pictures.




    those are the communication towers that the spartans have to disable by capturing the territory.


    now after that the spartans go in front of the rocks and grab the bomb and take the bomb and plant it at the wall and blow up the blockade.


    now you go inside of the covenant base and then take the core wich is on the 2nd floor and take it allllll the way back to the other side of the gulch and up into the ship.

    EASY PEASY. this objective does take teamwork. and is kinda hard but you can do it. you can also take the caves as extra routes and theres more!


    theres a vehicle sache to help the spartans stop the wraith, revenant, ghost and banshee. Theres a tank that spawns in the 3rd round and a falcon spawns too, and the mongooses with the 4 rockets (idea from vidmaster) spawn in the 2nd round along with the warthog and rockethog.

    So there it is id love for feedback and i still need beta testers. send me a message and i would love to play it with you guys. thanks

    Oh and make sure to download the custom gametype thanks!
    #1 RazorChaos7, May 3, 2011
    Last edited: May 3, 2011
  2. Maverik

    Maverik Forerunner

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    Ok, im going to be honest. I think that you could use some work in improving your forging skills. I cant download it just yet, but i can tell it was your first dropship. the design of the Dropship could use improvment in itself, since it looks like someone built it from leftovers from something else. it looks poorly designed from the pics anyway, and i cant really tell what design drop pod you used. i really hope you used the double barricade one that was posted in the forge tips and tricks thread in the forge discussion subforum, since its the one that most reminds me of an odst drop pod, and since its also the only model drop pod ive encountered that wasnt dangerous just to enter.

    as for the other structures, the comms towers are a bit simple. it seems like one elite with a sniper type weapon, or a weapon useable for such, such as a needle rifle could take them out for the mostpart without ever getting close to them. i think if you have the chance, you should add more cover and structure to the comms towers.

    next comes the seconds phase. to me, it really looks too sparce, even if its just a wall. you could add more structure here too, that would add a bit to the map's overall quality.

    another thing i noticed is that you used a lot of perfab structures, such as the towers in the second and third phases. you should avoid these if you can, or embelish more. they just tend to look horrible, regardless of where you set them, and people know their layouts like the back of their hands. try to build your own structures whenever possible.

    the next point to touch on is where you have the shade turrets. i dont see any way up to them, and that could be a problem for anyone without a jetpack. not only would it be better to have them closer to the structures in front of the wall, but you could probably integrate them into the base itself, giving access, and a bit of variety to the base itself.

    the final thing to touch on is the covey base. it is probably the biggest offender on this map, due to the huge amount of prefab structures i see in it. i count at least three, not counting the large platforms you put in. these structures should be avoided as much as possible, as i said before. they take up so much budget that could be saved with other pieces, that you could have built a nicer base. do you have more than just the front door into the base, btw? if not, i dont see how any spartans could get in. one elite with an E-sword, if applicable, or a few elites period, could hold that location indefinately, never letting the spartans in, or if they did get in, out.

    something else i just noticed by the way, regarding the main phase. whats to stop the spartans from climbing that nice stone structure you put next to a comm tower and spawn killing the elites the whole phase? (since i assume you put the elites spawn on the far side of the one way shields. you didnt show any elite related spawns at all)

    and as for your posting itself. i think i speak for most of us that it would be appriciated if you posted a weapon list, pics of spawns, at least a pic or two of the elite base interior, and so on, so we really understand the finer bits of the map itself, such as those.

    im not trying to hurt your feelings, or make you feel like you did poorly on it, which in fact you havent. i simply think that theres a lot of room for improvment.

    and to be fair, im a huge fan of ODST and anything having to do with ODST units, so im extremely critical about any map relating to them. youve done far better than a lot of ODST maps ive seen, including the fact you included the iconic ODST drop pod enterance, something a lot of other maps dont, for some reason. i think you should redesign the ship itself though, and at least the second phase base, and see how that works.

    also, if it helps, i dont think at this point that UNSC ships really require wings, except for high speed flight, and a drop ship would want to be able to be stationary, so wings and rear mounted thrusters wouldbe a real hinderance in an ODST drop ship.

    and so you know, you really need to test a map before ever considering posting it. good luck though, and a nice attempt at a first invasion map. better than my first attempt anyway.
    #2 Maverik, May 4, 2011
    Last edited: May 4, 2011
  3. RazorChaos7

    RazorChaos7 Forerunner

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    yes um the inside of the drop ship is actually just plain empty and not to let you down or anything i tried to put in the awesome drop pod where you pick up a dmr or any other weapon but it didnt turn out right. so i just put a shield door and when you fall you go into a teleporter at the back wall and you fly out of it. as for the first sequence spawning the elietes spawn on both sides like in spire. and the comms are just two boxes (covy) and an intenna. now as for the second phase there are gravity lifts so you can get on top of all the structures. they are hidden behind the structures. and i put kill barriers in places where your not supposted to go like on top of the big rock. and i didnt cover the whole map with pics and ill add weapons and all that stuff later. now for the base i made last. and to make it cool looking inside i used ramp stunt so inside it was all blue looking. and inside is empty except for one little place wheres theres a tower and one room but other than that inside is all empty. i sort of ran out of cash. now for the odst ship im not the best at it but i am pretty good with pods but now the ship. i tried to make it small so that the whole map was good enoough. and the big rock that splites the first sequence in half theres a rock tunnel i put like in spire. download it and check them its really thought out. thanks for the feedbacck and ill try to make it beter by the next update. if anyone wants to play a game on it message me and well play with 12 people.

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