Stop the covenant before they gain access to the superintendant, down in the cold depths of the Data Hive... This was directly influenced off the ODST level Data Hive. Took me 2 days to forge and now I am just going through testing and tweaking the map. Talking about testing... do guys wanna pitch in? Testing sesh 25th Jan 8:30 am (GMT+10) What? That is also: 24th Jan 4:30 pm (EST) 24th Jan 9:30 pm (GMT) Reply in your comment if you can and want to help out. 9 slots available: - Crypocalypse - Reflex Ion - Pyro666 - Psychoduck - Katanga Askar - Anthraxe187 - - - -
Damnit. Why the hell didn't I think of this? Awesome idea, can't tell enough from the preview to say much more than that, but this should be really cool. I do have a question though, will this be set up for other gametypes? Or just invasion?
It was definitely fun to play on the other night. The uniqueness of the first phase made it the most fun.
God damn, this looks hauntingly beautiful... and by haunting I mean that it brings up terrible memories of the hardest slaso campaign level of them all D:< Anyway, if im on and you need someone for playtesting at the time, I would appreciate an invite. That map looks rather good and I'm curious as to what this "Unique" first phase is!
Oh, I guess I can test on the 24th at 4;30 EST... we can go all official-like and do it through the Testers Guild if you want (I'm a member).
I believe I can do the GMT playtest if you need anybody. This looks very interesting. I loved Data Hive in ODST, and I'm glad somebody has translated it over to Reach.
I think you need normal pictures where you can decipher the layout and idea, these pics are butchered and nondescript. From what I can tell it looks cool but this is more of a teaser than a preview.
What's the first round like now. I enjoyed the first round when I played it with you but the spawn camping was undesirable. I also would have preferred territories for the second round instead of planting the bomb already at the objective but that's your call. I'll test if I can, just respond to my friend rq already.
I can do the 24th EST at 4:30 because it will actually be 4:30 where I live. I want to see how this plays out with more than just us two, lol. Super time differences, lol. Edit: some very urgent family news has come up and I wont be here for a few days. Sorry for the such short notice. But it will be impossible for me.
All the times I have mentioned are the same time in different time zones. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Second phase is now territories and friend request? You may have to send it again. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Just invasion. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Thanks and yeah I'll be sure to invite. The first phase isn't really unique, it's what happens as soon as the phase ends. Think about the data stacks in that ODST level. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Sorry but yeah it is kind of to get people interested in the map. Looks cool though hey?
The main room was fun to play so why not just place stuff for other gametypes and set the label to "none" for invasion. That makes the items not spawn in invasion.
If I'm online I'd be game for a play test....I think you wanted me to playtest this last Friday And you might need to grey scale that SI pic a bit more, makes it pretty hard to see what's going on with that layout.
wow, thats pretty gosh darn sweet. Tell you what, I run a youtube channel, if I get round to it, i'd really like to make a video of your map. PM me if your interested. I ask for no money, just a simple sub and for you to put the video in the thread. Thanks!
Data Hive was one of my favorite levels in ODST, so yeah I'm definitely up for this. I'll be on with Psychoduck, probably.