Invasion | Convent Hi fellow ForgeHubbers! My name is Berb, and I would like to share the latest Invasion project iv'e been working on. The project, currently called Convent, has been in the works for around a month after a quickly scrapped my last map. The map is situated in the ForgeWorld canyon, curling around one of the massive rock spires to create a large forerunner complex. I tried to make almost a "vehicle basin" in the middle of the map, an area that allows warthogs, ghosts and a wraith to freely move around. The map supports standard Invasion, with elites defending. The phase one area + spartan backfield. Note: Most of the rock structures gate out in later phases The phase 2/3 vehicle area with defender base at the back. The elite main base area. Instead of one large building, I decided to go with several small structures. Convent Beta Testing Now because an Invasion map needs ALOT of testing, i'm opening things up to you, the community. I will be testing the map loads of course, but I will need to see it from some different angles. If you guys could download the latest version , play it, and save your film I would be very grateful. If you want anymore info on the open Beta testing, send me a message. I would greatly appreciate any help! p.s - 1000th post FTW!
I remember looking at this when I couldn't hear a damn thing you were saying, haha. I have an invasion map I was working on and was going to try to test it this weekend, so if I do get that many players I'll be playing this too.
Nice, yeah I remember you came in for little bit a while back. If you going to test, just put the film in your file share
There have been some very good play-throughs so far, but in so few number. i encourage anyone reading this to take initiative and download the map, it definitely helps polish the already good map.
Thanks Burning, you're right. The handful of tests that we have had have been really good (apart from one) and we need to get more.
Convent is quite cool map, and that's from a fellow invasioneer's perspective. (Invasioneer?) Anyway, we need to keep testing and getting more games here. I'd type more but I have a headache.
I think this is a rip-off of the map Shoe and I have been making for the last six months; Concept. Regardless, it'll be good to see a "standard" invasion map on Forge Hub, as I'm sure this'll be out before Concept is. The map's played well from what I've seen so far, although there's a few her[s and derps around. I look forward to continuing to play this, though. I'm jealous that you've gotten so far in under a month, whereas Shoe and I have been working since this summer, even though this map is decidedly less ambitious, and you didn't have to hunt down invasion information for months like we did.
Really? The map you are working on is very similar to this one? I would like to see it... Or is it that "top secret" project you and shoe are working on together???
I played here once and I didnt care for the boring aesthetics, but I didnt ind once I realized the gameplay is absolutely amazing. Also in Forge World its hard to make a big map beautiful. This is truly a gem of invasion gameplay. If you ever need a tester and I'm online, hit me up.
Thanks. The file has been updated to 0.7 now. A bug in the ghost spawn and LoS between phase 1 objectives has been fixed.
Obviously you've never heard of sarcasm before. Berb got it, as it was a parallel between the name "Convent" and the variations of the word "Concept" that Shoe and I have been using. This map has few similarities to our map other than the fact that is is a standard invasion map. I'd have to disagree with Audience-o-fone about the aesthetics. I feel like they do quite a good job of evoking a Forerunner feel on such a big map.
The only thing I don't like about this is the name. It just isn't good enough for the map. I'm also sad I've only gotten to play this twice, but this probably isn't the best place to complain about having a life temporarily. You better let me into your tgif this friday :squirrel_rocking:
I have been trying to figure out how to say this without saying it in the wrong tone of voice. It seems that either it is true that FHers compliment each other on their maps no matter what the quality is, or no one here really understands Invasion. Yes, the layout is a decent Invasion map layout. But it is BASIC at best. There isn't anything special about it. do you have fun playing on it? Good for you. But the map is BASIC at best. There are no aesthetics to support the story line, thus there is no story line. Take away the zone markers, and tell me how would you know where to move toward? This map reduces to capturing game pieces on a game board and nothing else. Without any decent aesthetics, there is no story line and there is no Invasion per se, just a multiple objective game, like playing Territories, but in three rounds instead of one. The angle of the blocks relative to each other break cohesion - that is bad, but it is VERY bad on Invasion maps. As I look around the map, my eyes are constantly catching views of these angled blocks and my mind keeps drawing toward them - in a bad way. I cannot concentrate on the game, because I see the blocks and wonder what is wrong with what I am looking at? it is distracting. It breaks cohesion, which in turn breaks immersion. Immersion is ESSENTIAL to Invasion more than most any other game type. For unlike any other game type, Invasion maps are always unique and rely more heavily on the story line to help the player along. Don't shout me down because I am being critical. I just don't understand the comments I am seeing on this thread and these are some of the glaring issues I see from this map. Am I really the only one that sees them?
When you showed me this, I thought it looked like ****, so I just told you it looks thrown together and use of a lot of blocks. Although it's not that eye appealing it does play amazing, or at least I had fun on it, unlike other Invasion maps I've tested with.
Well, if you take issue with the aesthetics I would jump on a game with Berb and try to brainstorm something together. Personally, I do see the storyline (though it is vague) simply as spartans attacking a set of elite controlled forerunner ruins in order to retrieve some information, a setup used many times in Halo campaigns. The first phase area you capture is like a gate, allowing you to access the main facility past it once it is captured. To me this all makes sense, though that is just my opinion. I do disagree on the layout though. While the layout is relatively basic, there are little to no GOOD invasion maps out there that have a more advanced layout. Convent was designed to be like the matchmaking invasion maps, and I can understand that. While some advanced, extremely unique layouts will be good in time, currently we need to get the basics down first. You can't run before you walk, and we need some maps that can at least walk and not just flop around on the floor looking good. Edit: Hold your horses MrGreen, at least let us built it first.
As shoe hinted at, the layout is supposed to be basic. When iv'e tried a complex, never-done-before layout in the past, it has crashed and failed. Thus the name Convent - a conventional map. Over aesthetics iv'e stressed gameplay and vehicle play, which gives you all the complaints above about how it looks. I don't really have any rebuttal here. Would you recommend me paying more attention to the aesthetics of the objective areas? So my solution is to make the map more simple looking? I would love to discuss further about this. Yup.
I wouldn't say the aesthetics are boring, I think they look quite cool. Granted, there isn't any ridiculously big structures or awe-inspiring architecture, but it still has a class feel to it that keeps up throughout the map. I just need to find the time to actually play it now...
This is by far your best work, yet, Berb. The map's size creates interesting gameplay and the aesthetics create an interesting atmosphere. The game we had was fun, but we need more people. Send me an invite when you're testing. I'm not much of a customs guy, but I can always make an exception.
My point was not the map... I sent Berb a couple PMs already trying to help him with this map. I just don't get why no one else said ANYTHING that I was pointing out. THAT was my point. Berb, the aesthetics in the cave are what I would use for the objectives. They would stand out as the OBVIOUS thing to move toward in a sea of simple structures. As for how to change the map so you don't have just blocks everywhere? I cannot tell you the answer to that question, because you are working on FW, which is problematic.