So i don't know if anyone has come across this but recently a friend and I have been working on a Rush type game for reach and when we discovered that we could use bombs we were quickly shut down. When you go into the settings you have 2 timers concerning the bomb one for plant time and one for defuse time. There isn't actually a time for the fuse it's self. Has anyone else had this problem or is there a way around it?
Yeah I noticed as well. It seems to be a half half timer. If its set to 20 seconds its 10 seconds planting and 10 seconds detonating. No way around, but if your making something like rush wouldn't that be what you need?
but considering you need to hold the bomb to plant not just anyone can it's tough to have someone stand at a plant site for 20 seconds
I can't ever get a bomb to spawn.....what am I doing wrong. I've been trying to set it up so phase 1 is deliver a bomb, phase 2 is capture and area and phase 3 is a core delivery.....I followed the Forge Reach 101 on invasion and it still doesn't seem to work... Could you do me a huge favor and check out my map and tell me what I need to change? : Halo Reach : File Details
Mister: Make sure that under your gametype options that you have phase one set to an assault phase. (Took me foreverrrrr to figure that out. -_-