Invaion Spawns

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by rexdino5, Oct 17, 2010.

  1. rexdino5

    rexdino5 Ancient
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    I'm so confused. I've got no idea which team to make for each side like if blue is attackers and red is defenders and if spartans are blue and elites are red? Can somebody define which is which? I know how to play the background spawns and all thanks to the sticky guide but I'm quite confused with which team is what color.

    P.S. I accidentally messed up the title.
  2. artifact123

    artifact123 Forerunner
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    Red is attacking team and blue is defending, i guess.
  3. Em0srawk

    Em0srawk Forerunner

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    Blue team is attacking, red team is defending. Or atleast that was what it was on Halo 3. For invasion it depends on what the gametype settings are e.g. Spartans attacking or Elites attacking. I believe that Spartans are always red team and Elites are always blue team but I'm not sure. You could always load up the invasion gametype in the custom lobby and see.
  4. Greasyhippo

    Greasyhippo Ancient

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    BLUE team are attackers always and RED team are defenders always. You can change whether an Elite or a Spartan is attacking or defending, to change this go to:
    Invasion Settings and you will find the option in there somewhere. It lets you choose which one is attacking (I think, could be defending), meaning the other is defending/attacking.

    So if you choose Elites to be attacking they will be BLUE. And the Spartans will be RED (defending) and Vice Versa.

    Don't forget
    you need to use labels, found by pressing (x) on an object and going down to "labels". This is while you're in "invasion" game-type in FORGE. You can only set labels in game-types NOT Basic Editing! For spawns you need to select Inv_spawn something, I cant remember what it is called, but you need the labels to be added correctly.

    Hope this helps.
    #4 Greasyhippo, Oct 17, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 17, 2010
  5. matcuth

    matcuth Forerunner

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    as quoted from : Invasion + Forge! : 9/16/2010 9:09 AM PDT (the bungie invasion forge guide) under Important Forge Object Properties for Invasion

    "Teams: the two team colors in invasion are assigned to the species as opposed to attackers and defenders. Spartans are assigned to red and Elites are assigned to Blue. This makes it important to correctly set the game option, “Invasion Options – Attacking Team,” to the correct race before starting a game of forged invasion"
  6. DMM White

    DMM White Ancient
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    Thanks to matcuth for actually researching his answer rather than just guessing based on other gametypes.

    In Invasion, team colours are linked to the species, as stated above.

    Try playing Invasion Spire on Boneyard. It doesn't switch it so Spartans are attacking the Elites who are up in the ship, which is what you were all suggesting.
    It spawns Elites in the usual place, but now they have to defend the control points which are up in the ship right next to the Spartans spawn.
  7. rexdino5

    rexdino5 Ancient
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