IntertwinedBy: R0FLninja Map Canvas: Foundry Map Name: Intertwined Map description: A map designed to be a cross between the featured map "Wishbone" by zombievillain & deathtoll and the map "Insanity" by Arbacca. Symmetrical. Map type: Competitive Map gamemodes: CTF, Assault, Team Slayer, KOTH, Territories. Player limit: 4-12 players Forging 101: Interlocking-yes Geo-merging-yes items placed in water-N/A Budget glitch-no vehicles-yes Predicted weapons list: BR x 4 - 45 spawn Carbine x 4 - 45 spawn Mauler x 2 - 90 spawn Sniper x 2 - 90 spawn Magnum x 4 - 45 spawn SMG x 4 - 45 spawn Plasma Rifle x 4 - 45 second spawn Predicted vehicles list: mongoose x 2 - 60 spawn ghost x 2 - 150 spawn Pics: Thats all for now, these pics are 1 day old, and i have made some changes, i will take mor pics the next time i get on my 360. MAP IS SOMWHERE AROUND 38% finished.
good, i dont want too many people expecting miracles of this map. but it does look pretty good so far, regarding map layout. if somebody wants to help me make this map, my GT is R0FLninja, the O in R0FL is actualy is a zero.
Ah, not to burst anything, but... I've got a map named that already? Just throwin that out there. I mean, I don't care. I just didn't want you to not have an original name...
Gah ! it is tommorow nao! give uz oar picz. I want see map and such. I don't want to spam but i don't really know what else to say. Map description looks good and im glad you are still using foundry like me?