This is my remake of foundation i made this map as accurate as possible also all hiding spots are here room 1 room 2 and even crates in room 4 to block the door for infection. I also made this map while in halo 2 vista just to get every thing perfect. I used dice to tell you what number base each room is i also made every base a particular color. Room 1 is Red Room 2 is Orange Room 3 is Blue and Room 4 is Green. This map is jet pack friendly top of map has soft death barriers. All weapon placements are the same 1 DMRs (2 spare clips) 1 Needle Rifles (2 spare clips) 4 Magnum (2 spare clips) 2 Shotgun (1 spare clip) 1 Energy Sword 2 Rocket launcher 4 Needler (2 spare clips) 2 Mounted Machine Gun 15 Frag Grenades 7 Plasma Grenades 4 health packs 4 Plasma Repeater replaces smgs 9 fusion coles all in there proper place PICS!!!! Team loadout cam ffa loadout camera Left side Room 2 Even Bungie approves "thanks to my bungie friend for helping me out" Hope you enjoy the map and please leave a comment and let me know what you think.
This is awesome!! I loved this map in Halo 2 and am glad to finally see a map made to such perfection in regard to the original. It played great with every gametype I tried. Hands down the best remake of Foundation you'll ever see! Best of all, NO lag! Not only does it play nice with classic slayer settings and infection, it is also exceptionally compatible with Armor-Ability gametypes, and is just as frantic and entertaining as the original.
wow thank you man i really appreciate it i put alot of work on to this map and a lot of people think this is the besy remake of foundation but it doesnt seem to be getting much attention here on forge hub i have alot of views but no comments so thank you for letting me know what you think