Foundry Interphase

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by xFr1ct10nx, Feb 28, 2009.


Interphase, Can You Dig It?

Poll closed Mar 21, 2009.
  1. Hell Yea!

    6 vote(s)
  2. Sure, its pretty cool.

    8 vote(s)
  3. Its cool, nice job

    3 vote(s)
  4. Eh, its ok. Not the best, but still good.

    3 vote(s)
  5. Now way man, this sux!

    1 vote(s)
  1. xFr1ct10nx

    xFr1ct10nx Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Interphase: By xFr1ct10nx​

    Description: I first started this way back last semester during biology, we were taking about Interphase-the first phase in a cells duplication cycle. Anyways, I thought it was a cool name for a map. When I started it, it was going to be mainly, one to two floors, but as I kept forging it became to have multiple floors. As I finished the map up about two weeks agao we tested the sh- out of it. I added a few more things to help with cover on the first floor, so I hope that helped. I am proud to say that I think this is my best map yet. ​

    Story: The first phase of the Covanents assualt on Earth. One of the small skirmish site on Earth before Regret hits slipspace. Most likely in a very urban are of New Mombassa.​

    Supported Gametypes: Oddball, Team Oddball, Slayer, Team Slayer, KOTH, Team King, CTF.​

    Suggested Gametypes: FFA Slayer, SWAT, CTF(One Flag or Multi)​

    Can hold up to 12 players, but 6-8 are highly recomended.​

    Weapons List
    Battle Rifles- X8
    Assualt Rifles- X3
    Spiker- X2
    Plasma Rifle- X2
    Plasma Pistol- X1
    Magnum- X1
    SMG- X1
    Needler- X2 -1 exta clip- 60 sec
    Rocket Launcher- X1 -0 extra clips- 180 sec
    Sniper Rifle- X1 -1 extra clip- 150 sec​

    Equipment and Vehicles
    Mongoose- X2 -90 sec
    Trip Mine- X1 -60 sec
    Regenerator- X1 -60 sec
    Bubble Shield- X1 -60 sec
    Plasma Grenades- X4 -10 sec
    Frag Grenades- X3 -10 sec​

    Now on with the Pics!​



    Attacker Base(Outside)

    Attacker Base(Inside)

    Side Street 1


    Defender Base(Outside)

    Defender Base(Inside)

    Grav Lift to Defenders Ledge(When using, step onto Lift and do not make any sudden moves, it works 95% of the time)

    Rocket Ledge

    Side Street 2

    What the hell is he doing?​

    Ya, hes that good.​

    Friction! What the Fu-!​

    Move foward!​

    Yay we win!​

    Thx to the following:
    Bluejayfan94(HomerSPC)-Advise, Testing, Suggestions and Help
    Spleentacular- Help, and Testing
    xEncounterx- Testing
    Jamesaka- Testing
    Micheal2747- Advice, Testing
    Zachary9990-Advice, Testing
    BatteryIncluded-Advice, Testing
    Mace- Help, Advice
    Cosmic Rick- Advice
    Speed-e-cake- Help, Advice, and Testing
    RightSideTheory- Testing
    RebornYeti-Advice, Testing
    Sexydude- a bit of help, thx.​

    Thx to all of you guys and please dont forget to download! ​

    #1 xFr1ct10nx, Feb 28, 2009
    Last edited: Feb 28, 2009
  2. H3C x Nevz

    H3C x Nevz Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The preview button is there for a reason. You had some problem with your photobucket images and the entire thread is linked to an image...
  3. Lemons Reloaded

    Lemons Reloaded Ancient
    Senior Member

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    wow this map looks like it would have some super awesome team slayer or team objective matches! the stair wall looks especially smexxy ;) very clean interlocking and geomerging! 5/5 and a DL!... as soon as i get my xbox back...
  4. Gunnergrunt

    Gunnergrunt Ancient
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    Okay i just queued this map, looks amazing! I'll write what i think about it before and after I test it out. This map seems to have fantastic game play. I really like your style here, it strays from the normal a bit. My only problem with the looks is the double wall locked into the double box. Looks like you have a huge flickering line there. If you can forge a map like this, im pretty sure you can get rid of that line (although flickering lines only bother certain people, such as myself). I really like the flag spawn, it is well positioned. And the rocket spawn looks awesome man! I'm going to go play this, then come back to write more words.

    Alright I just tested this with my friend. When i first started this map i was a bit disappointed that it only used half of foundry. My only other compliant that that there needs to be more ramps to the higher levels of the map. There was a lot of jumping involved. Other than that it was really cool. The lift to get onto the battle rifle bridge worked really well though, good job on that. And the defender base was really well made. The flickering line i mention earlier did not flicker nearly as much as i thought i would. I see why you left it that way. You are great at goemerging and locking for sure. Great job on the map, I hope to see a remade version some day!
  5. xFr1ct10nx

    xFr1ct10nx Ancient
    Senior Member

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    ya i know, im in a rush right now, i got it fixed. i know how to post.
  6. Master Debayter

    Master Debayter Ancient
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    I actually like the post in all blue, even if it all links to one picture. But at least it's fixed now. XP

    You've definately made a great map here. You've got some very unique merges here, like the Rocket Ledge and Bunker/Tunnel (really looked wierd, I had to look at it twice). Ground level looks a little bit open on this map, but I see how the map's structures can provide enoguh cover for good gameplay. The defenders base looks like it's missing something to it, because it honestly looks more open than the attackers' base. I'll still give this a download and play it later. It looks great, good job.
  7. xFr1ct10nx

    xFr1ct10nx Ancient
    Senior Member

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    ill try in the v2, thats the only part Mace helped me with lol. it doesnt affect gameplay, so i dont really have a problem with it, but we'll see what more people think before i edit that.
  8. NYYanks33

    NYYanks33 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Wow.Really nice and neat geomerging.Snooth interlockage.4/5 for me.
  9. MultiLockOn

    MultiLockOn Ancient
    Forge Critic Banned Senior Member

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    who gave this map 3 stars? This looks phenomenal judging by the screenshots. Amazing gemoerging and interlocking, and you have a freakin amazing forging style. You just earned yourself a DL
  10. Pennywiez

    Pennywiez Ancient
    Senior Member

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    well the map looks really good and the gameplay looks alright but i cant judge it until i dl but just one small thing that has nothing to do with your map. that is interphase is in cell division not duplication, 2 different things.

    anyways back to the map, i like its unique features ex. the arch and that different kind of bunker. which also both look good.

    anyways good job and keep forging
  11. xFr1ct10nx

    xFr1ct10nx Ancient
    Senior Member

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    like i said, last semester, i knew it started with a D lol.
    i will be posting a sequal(not v2) to this map, can u guess? Prophase.
  12. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
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    On another note, the map seems to have gone trhough suttle changes since last night.

    You know it bish. I was in there like what, 30% of the time you were making it, playing with a Soccer ball. I want my credit for the flying wraith that was deleted!​
  13. xFr1ct10nx

    xFr1ct10nx Ancient
    Senior Member

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    wrong, 30% of the time u were killing me, and making that god damn flying wraith. and the two bridges and the truck i think adds excellent cover to the ground floor. The 2 bridges up top make i a bit harder to get down to the bottom floor in the middle so ur getting constantly screwed in the back on the bottom. the truck adds another route to the skilled crouch jumpable bridge and the sniper fence bridge.
  14. Goober

    Goober Ancient
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    I really liked the map, though like a few other guys have said theres not too many ways to get up to the upper sections. I didn't go up there very often, tho I was up there before when you were showing it off to me. I think I would change out the Snipe for a Shotty. I don't think anybody used the Smipe when we played last.

    Overall though I like it a lot.
  15. Yeti

    Yeti Ancient
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    Oh, you finally finished it. Good job!

    It looks like you've added some interesting things since I was on it last. I don't remember that Rocket Ledge. That looks really nice.

    I could tell that when I was messing around on this map, it would be really fun for FFA gametypes, but judging from your screens, it could really be cool for 1 Flag CTF.

    If you ever hold Customs, be sure to invite me so I can test this map out further.

    Right now, I vote "Sure, it's pretty cool." based on what I've played combined with these screenshots. :)
  16. Silva Sniper

    Silva Sniper Ancient
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    Ohh this is simpley without a little Decision in my mind FLAWLESS here are some things I liked
    Flag Placement
    Overview picture
    Weapon placement
    And gameplay must of been off the hook.
    So reaaly nicely done.4/5
  17. xFr1ct10nx

    xFr1ct10nx Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I had some all this week lol, testing and customs. ill probably have more parties next weekend if you want to come.

    it was only a 6 minuite game, the sniper only spawned twice. i used it the first time, then i forget who else did.
  18. Wailingjam

    Wailingjam Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Outstanding map! I like the map design as well as the gameplay which seems smooth keep it up, I always like to see great and awesome maps!
  19. xFr1ct10nx

    xFr1ct10nx Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks, I hope the spawns worked fine for you and everyone else. Im not too good at them, but during the testing I didnt see any cases of spawn killing, so i think that worked out well.
  20. Kapura

    Kapura Ancient
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    I played a couple rounds on this map, and it looks very nice. Everything is smooth like cake, and it's very aesthetic.

    But there were problems. The lesser of the two was it is very hard to jump around the entire map, and there were no weapons good for close combat (sword, shotty) on the ground floor, so it resulted in the higher ups shooting the proverbial fish on the bottom of the barrel with the sniper or rockets.

    We played 1 flag, and thats where the biggest problem was. The spawns weren't, well, all that good. The teams started off fine, but then if say defense started pushing back, Offense would spawn literally right next to the flag, while defense would then be forced to spawn and defend, until of course the flag offense pushed back, in which case spawns would right themselves again. This meant that on offense, a tactic was "chill until killed, then grab the flag when we spawn back by it." Unacceptable. A person in the party recommended spamming Devonish with PMs until he corrects your spawns. I don't endorse it, but the spawns (and what I stated above about weapons and verticallity) are the only things holding back a really great map. It's so close, and yet so far.

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