Internet problem

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by COMMANDERMATT1, Oct 3, 2009.

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    Okay so, As you can probably tell from the thread title I am having some problems with my Internet. How am I on the Internet, right now? I'm not exactly sure... But, I'm taking this one chance I have to ask this question.

    The problem:
    So... This all probably started yesterday, everything was working fine and my Internet operating at it's full potential. I was watching this Anime (Laugh now) and when I finished my episode and tried to get to the next episode, it took longer to load then expected until Firefox said it could not load the page. So, I thought it might be the site problem so I decided to try to open a new site and the same thing happened.

    Checked my connection and found that it had lost connection to the Internet. I was kinda dishearten when I saw that but decided it was probably just a small problem and went through the usual steps of fixing it. (I.E. Network Diagnostics Test, Unplug power to Modem/Router, And Reset Modem/Router. Check cables was in and tight.) After all that I was hoping it would be fixed but, nothing.

    A little later that day, I called Comcast (My ISP) and deemed he couldn't fix it from their and the best option was for me to get a new modem or get a Comcast technical support gut out here. For the sake of time I chose to go with getting the new modem tomorrow after school. So after picking it up I went through the steps and got it hooked up, which surprisingly it didn't work.

    At this moment I got kinda pissed and called Comcast, again and went though all the steps again and he got me to bypass my Router which it got me connected to the Internet but it couldn't go to any sites. After even more talking he finally got it to where I could go to Google but beyond that it wouldn't load. So Comcast support decided since it wasn't necessary to get a technician out here (And was probably due to one of my programs) he gave me the number to Microsoft support.

    After getting off the phone with Comcast, I called Microsoft support and he he tried to help me troubleshoot my problems but it didn't work so he transferred my call to a special section that deals with Internet problems (I know, stupid) So, I talked to him and we went through about a million different things (I.E. Uninstalling just about everything that could be blocking my Internet, Opening the command prompt and trying different combination's, and trying other little things that mean nothing in the end)

    The Microsoft support guy finally said he will transfer me to "Level 2" of support but they only work during the weekdays. (Anybody else thinks this is really stupid) So, since it's Friday and late once I got off the phone they couldn't help me any further and I am supposed to be getting a call on Monday by the "Level 2" of technical support. Now, I don't know about you but I think this is really gay and I'll see if I can get Comcast tomorrow to help/send a technician to come out here.

    At the moment you should know that I have bypassed my Router and getting Internet, right now, although widely limited. The only site I can really access, right now is (Somehow) Forge Hub and Google. I Tried my usual places like Comcast website, Twitter, Facebook,, and Youtube.

    Computer specs:
    Windows Vista: Home Premium (Service Pack 1)
    64 bit Operating System
    Intel Core 2 Quad CPU processor (Q6600 @ 2.40GHz 2.39 GHz)
    2.00 GB (RAM)

    Modem: Scientific Atlanta (DPC2100R2)
    Router: Linksys Wireless N (WRT350N)

    Now, I'm sure I probably gave more Info then I should but whatever. I'll try to check this but at the moment my Internet is kinda bad and will probably cut out again. I may be able to check this from my phone just maybe not post but I'll do my best to answer any questions. If this is the wrong place then I ask someone to move this thread and also I want this to be serious and want to see if I can get my problem fixed. Oh yeah, sorry about the long post but I hope you can help me.
  2. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    I doubt it's a problem with your computer, but have you tried using any other computer on your modem? Try to definitively narrow down what the problem is. It could be a HOSTS file problem...but I doubt it.

    It's most likely your modem, as you've guessed.
  3. SmokinWaffle

    SmokinWaffle Ancient
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    As Nemi said it's either a Hosts file problem or a router problem, but I highly recommend installing Service Pack 2, it fixes a lot of bugs, this may be a soloution, but I doubt it.
  4. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    Yea try and narrow down your problem as best possible because your better off doing it now than when your on the phone to these guys.

    Strange that you have access to some websites, i'll have a little look into it.

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    I deemed that it wasn't my computer causing all this, as the same thing happens on my mom's computer. It's kinda strange that I got this Modem brand new yesterday from my local Comcast office. I'm sure my Modem is not completly broken because I can bypass my Router and get limited Internet but on my old Modem that I returned when I bypassed my Router it couldn't get anywhere. I'm thinking about trying to get a new Router but I'm not exactly sure what could be the problem.

    If I'm lucky I can get on a few more sites but a problem that always seems to occur now is that the site now comes out in "Mobile phone view". Like, I would go onto and it looks exactly like I would go on my phone. Everything is simplified and down to the bare minimum. I try to click on one of the few links and it won't go anywhere. Just loads forever until Firefox just say's it can't load the page.
  6. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
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    Found the problem.

    This actually happened to me before. There was something about a cable in the building (I live in an apartment) that partially disconnected and we could only get a few kilobytes per second, and TV (I have Cable). I could still access any site, but it would take about 10 minutes and load as "Mobile Phone" view.

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    Update: 10/03/09

    Good news! I may have just fixed my Internet, I disabled my Wireless Network card as one of the active connections and now using a regular Ethernet cable connection. I've been able to go through all of my websites like normal with no problems but one thing it looks like I'll be needing is a new Router as when I tried to hook up my connection without the Wireless connection active I could not connect to the Internet.

    I'm not exactly sure what could have happened that made it stop working but as of now I am really happy and don't feel like testing out a bunch of things that could stop my Internet from working. For now or at least until I can get a new Router I will leave this thread open just in case a problem my arise; until then I ask the Mods to just leave this thread alone.
  8. Fbu

    Fbu Ancient
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    From my experience, it is never the HOSTS file, but it is always checked. -_-

    Senior Member

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    Update: 10/04/09

    Got me a new Router today and hooked it up and now my network is working fine with no problems, as I can see. All sites are pulling up fine and the speed of my Internet is the same or maybe faster as what it was before. Thanks for the help and I will now be locking this thread.
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