What is your honest opinion about interlocking? Many people are starting to become disgusted of because it overlapped gameplay. Do you believe interlocking will still be argued in the future? By the way: Interlocking is forming two objects together through a mystical thing called forge. =D
Yeah. It's not needed, but if you have a great map, but then it has bumps in it, it is best to interlock. Plsu it creates aesthenic master peices Master Hand. It also shows a creators dedication to their maps.
I believe interlocking should improve gameplay. Don't go over the top with it so much that it harms the gameplay, but it should make floors and walls more smooth while eliminating gaps that could possibly mess up grenade placement and other things of the sort.
I think it shows that you take the time to make a high quality map that has smooth gameplay with no annoying bumps. For my maps, everything has to be perfectly interlocked and merged if possible for it to look good. Geomerging is becoming natural too on my newest creation.
well, unless it makes the map look horrible, i think interlocking only NEEDS to be used to block gaps, holes, and all that stuff, other thn that people shouldnt wjine to much about it.
I like the way interlocking makes a map look better. But it does make the object you are interlocking smaller. Which annoys me, I'd like it if they did'nt shrink at all. But Interlocking has come in handy for me in past and I do use it quite a lot.
i think its great! i mean some people think its like cheating or something but they are dumb without interlocking how would we create such epic maps like the ones that were featured on this site!
Interlocking is not needed for certain things. It makes a map look nicer and it reduces bumps on the floor or on walls, and it fixes grenade bouncing screw-ups, but it is not 100% needed, however if you still have enough budget or items to do it, why not. It's the person's choice and I think if someone has a problem with it when the person posts the map, you shouldn't worry about it. Interlocking only changes up the gameplay slightly. If it shanged it drastically then it would make a difference and I would say that interlocking is required.
Interlocking is needed for maps guys. For great, beautiful maps anyway. Take a look at Linubidix's Remedy and see if you could do anything even close to that without interlocking. Or just look up DrawTheLine. Honestly its a complete standard now a days and for good reason.
op No, it isn't. Interlocking was introduced as a cool optional technique for helping your map. It was originally for things like smoothing floors and walls, and maybe if your wall didn't fit, interlock it so it would. However, as more waves of members joined Forgehub, they immediately assumed it is some absolutely needed feature in a map. Then came the "needz moar interlockz" posts. So then any map without interlocking suddenly failed. This is retarded, as some of the best featured maps don't have interlocking. Like ones from before it came into existence. It's the people who believe a map is only good with interlocking, that ruined the maps section of forgehub. Has anyone here even seen the Lazy Mapmaker's Contest? Just to proove an amazing map can be made without interlocking. And it is the outrageously high standards set by people who practically worship interlocking, that scares new members off, and ruin's people's hopes for a feature, or even being accepted in the site. So to conclude: -Interlocking is NOT needed for a good map. -A map without interlocking should not be considered bad. -The members who believe in it so much, are the one's who have ruined the maps section of forgehub. It's like the American Justice system: Innocent until proven guilty. A non-interlocked map should not be immediately assumed bad, as until you have played it, it doesn't suck. Also, just to add in: I don't hate interlocking. Interlocking can be very useful, and look very nice in a map. And I am for using it. However, I am just against the notion that it is some sort of needed, make-or-break feature in a map.
I hate it when people get all mad when someone says "you didn't interlock". It's your decision to take the time to make the map look nicer or not. Don't even argue that it doesn't. Interlocking is like putting frosting on sugar cookies. The cookie alone is good, but some people wouldn't even think about eating it without frosting... I can't stop thinking about those christmas cookies in the fridge.
Interlocking is not really needed. i think u should only interlock when needed like there is a huge gap or something etc... Interlocking may look good but gameplay is more important than the look.
Erm... I don't think I've ever heard someone say a map of mine had too much interlocking. To be honest, interlocking keeps gameplay smooth and allows for nice asthetics. What could be bad about it?
In my opinion, it has definitely revolutionized forge. Say, if you have small bumps in your map, your can smooth them out with interlocking. If there is a gap in between somewhere, but you can't quite fill it with an object the size of the gap, you interlock something to fill the gap.
lol... I dont think Bungie even knew about interlocking when they made the game. Players discovered it.
Bad interlocking means the objects are fighting for visual dominance over each other. Drives the frame rate in that area up and causes lag as well as just looking like ass. Personally I reckon interlocking is a tool like everything else in forge. It helps ease bumps in walking paths. Prevents gaps that people, weapons and ect to fall into and vanish into the nether. It's not always needed though, look at the Lazy Mapmakers Contest and all the current maps being entered and the previous winners. It helps make a good map great sometimes sure but it's not always the best solution or necessary.
I like interlocking when it stops lumps in floors. I'm currently building a houses map, and I had to interlock and geomerge the basement a lot. The walls aren't interlocked, though, I don't see the need. Personally, if I don't interlock a map and someone says "why no interlockz?", I can defend my map forever. However, I will not ever geomerge unless absolutely necessary. It's just too much of a faff.
Although Bungie could make interlocking easier, it would drive noobs into a frenzy of making random crap stuck inside other crap. Same thing goes with geomerging. It takes time, but when done correctly, it really helps to separate the good maps fromt he bad. (Lazy map maker contest maps aside)