The interlocking there looks perfect! And the pics could be a bit better but it looks great anyway XD Good job!
Eh, this isn't bad, bro. I don't like a few things in here, but those are my OCD twitches kicking in. My first complaint is The top of that hill isn't fully pushed up. Now, I realize how difficult that merge is. Vatican certainly taught me that. However, it just helps to put in that extra effort. I saw sections of wall that weren't merged. I saw a section of Bridges that was too merged, and simply evening them out to look a bit prettier didn't appear to have any detrimental effect on gameplay. Looks like an excellent premise, but as anyone else around here, I appreciate merging every detail. That doesn't majorly effect the gameplay most times, but it showcases your dedication to a map, and reflects how well the parts of the map are that you don't show.
looks pretty good caus to is looks nothing like foundry, a drawn overview would b good so i could c wher all the pics fit togetheer, but a good 1 for the collection, keep up the forging
it looks great, i like all the different levels and terrain. and the tunnels were a nice add especially the sniper placement
nice! great interlocking for solid smooth rooms. I like the look of it a lot, hopefully it plays just as well.