Hi All! This is my very first forge map i've decided to make public so im looking for some feedback and comments. I lurk in here alot so treat me like one of you This map preview is "Intent" a small cliffside UNSC air base checkpoint. I've designed the map idealy for 4v4 because its not overly big. It's pretty much done i feel, but i think there might be some tweaks i cant see myself. Supported gametypes so far are: Slayer, Headhunter, Odball, KOTH & Infection. Weapons: 1 Rocket Laucher with 2 rounds (180 respawn after gamestart and thereafter) 1 Sword (180 respawn after gamestart and thereafter) 4 dmr's 3 needle rifles 2 needlers various grenades 1 plasma repeater 2 spikers 2 plasma pistols 1 shotgun Map download: Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details Without further a-do, screenshots. note: green/yellow lighting has been removed as there was no real need for it.