Intec, is a symmetrical based map with asymmetric side bases (A side, and B side). It is an MLG map but can play other gametypes. It plays MLG CTF, MLG KOTH, and MLG TS. This wonderful map was made by KFf SimpL3 and is my last forge and what I think is the best of all my maps. I loved playing this with my friends and here are some pics and the info for the weapons. BR-4 on map Carbine-2 on map Mauler- 1 on map Frag Grenades- 6 on map Plasma Grenades-4 on map Here is the Link as well.... : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details Pics.... Top of Red Base viewing Blue Base View from Blue base to Red BaSe B side, the Red bases' B side is exactly the same A side, on blue base exactly the same as Red Bases' A Base B Base Bottom mid ( mauler Spawn) View from Top A Base Please download and leave tips that i need because they really do help. Thanks everybody! AND.... Yes i know this is the same post as yesterday but everybody was complaining about my map being in competitive forums so i now have posted it in the MLG forums... Happy Thanksgiving!
Looks pretty fun I think. I might download it. The only thing I'm curious about it is (thought its not much of a big deal) are MLG maps allowed to have moveable objects? Because I see you have a dumpster and a barrier on there. I could care less because it's an amazing map and wouldn't affect it any either way.
The Dumpsters are not movable and the barriers have weapon holders on top of them which makes them not move examples:: MLG the Pit has a barrier by sniper tower with a weapon holder on it and MLG Onslaught has Dumpters in 4 different spots (on the sides of the bases)
this map looks nice ill dl 5/5....and yes you can have movable objects. and dumpsters dont move unless theres a grav lift