Insurrection What was once a shrine leaking with Sangheili blood is now being over-thrown. 2-8 players. Definition of Insurrection: An act or instance of rising in revolt, rebellion, or resistance against civil authority or an established government. Insurrection is a good map for 2v2s, 3v3s, and 4v4s. It is best played with CTF: 2-flag, Team Slayer, Assualt: 2-Bomb. It could be played with other versions of TS such as SWAT or Snipers. It is made in the sky-bubble. It is symetrical Weapons: *2 Assualt Rifles *8 Battle Rifles *2 Snipers *2 SMGs *2 Shotguns *2 Plasma Rifles *2 Plasma Pistols *2 Carbines *1 Rocket Launcher *2 Needlers *2 Magnums Equipment: *6 Frags *6 Plasmas *4 Spike nades *2 Overshields *2 Regens. *2 Power Drains *2 Bubble Shields Vehicals: *None Pictures: Overview 1 [/URL] Overview 2[/URL] Red Pit [/URL] Blue Pit [/URL] Sniper Tower 1 [/URL] Sniper Tower 2 [/URL] Red Base [/URL] Blue Base [/URL] Red Arch [/URL] Blue Arch [/URL] Red Doors [/URL] Blue Doors [/URL] From Below [/URL] So there it was. Leave your feedback! Download Insurrection
There are too many battle rifles on this map. Nobody explains it better than this guy Too many bubble shields, too many power drains, too many overshields, too many regens. remember more does not necessarily mean better. In fact it rarely means better. However the map itself is of great quality. If you want it to be used as a SWAT map you need to make the map variant. Remove all weapons and equipment, add carbines and a few grenades, FEW grenades (2 maybe) you appear to have a tendency to put lots in your map.
I like the map, but I think the weapon layout should change (like Isolation!) You should replace the rockets with a sword in my opinion. Also, the map is too small for 2 overshields, and 8 BRs? on this map? you should probably bring that down, maybe 5 BRs and 5 ARs.
It looks like you did a somewhat decent job of sectioning off the map. With a little more height variation, I bet it would play similar to Squidhands' map, Avarice (a favorite of mine). I think you should work on the weapons and equipment though... That's sure a lot of equipment... I think you should give a regen to each base and a drainer in the middle. Just an idea. A bubble ten feet from the shotgun seems a bit silly to me. I like the style and layout of the map, and with a little weapon-work, it would be even better.
Well you certainly did a good job with the map, it looks decent. Maybe a little more height variation like Gunnergrunt said. Also, like everyone else said, you may want to shorten the weapon list a little bit. I mean...8 br's, and 2 overshields? Perhaps once you change the weapons around I will give it a try. The map has potential. =D
Wow, thanks for directing a lost soul to my thread Anyways OP, this map is top quality. However, as previously stated your weapon layout is rather bland. At a glance, this map isn't terribly huge (9 double boxes long, 7 wide by my count) yet you have 8 Battle Rifles on it. The Battle Rifle is a top tier weapon, just short of a power weapon in my opinion. If you have too many it seriously unbalances the game. Would you put 8 Snipers on a map? 8 Needlers? I didn't think so. Cut back the number of BRs on this map to 2. That's right, only 2. Put them in high traffic areas so they will be found and used, but not everyone can have one. This way the other weapons on your map will see use, resulting in much more interesting gameplay. Add two Spikers, two more Magnums and two Brute Shots to replace the BRs you removed and it will be so much better Second, cut out one of the grenade types. Nothing is more annoying than having to cycle through a pile of grenades in the heat of battle, then accidentally chucking the wrong one. FUUUCCKK!! Pick Plasma Grenades as this map has a sort of Covenant theme and it's dark. Thirdly, cut out a bit of the equipment. Almost every single piece of equipment encourages stalling. This map has a lot of varied terrain and you should be encouraging players to move around and check it out, you know? By making them work to get their weapons and powerups, they will have to explore and fight. One Bubble Shield and one Power Drain is more than enough. Regenerators are a tad overpowered IMO e_e Again OP the map itself is top-notch. Just a few modifications in the item layout and it will definitely be DL worthy.
While checking out the screens of this map something interesting happened. I wasn't thinking about how bad the map was, like I usually do, and I wasn't considering downloading it to play games on, instead I was thinking about all the little things that could be fixed on it. You've got an almost-good map on your hands here, so I hope you work to do the polishing this map so desperately deserves. Just a quick list before I even take a forge-through: Weapons, already been covered by others. OS spawn, appears to require jumping to get out. Build a ramp instead for better flow. Railings in a few high traffic areas like the flag spawns. The 4 ramps going up to the snipe platform: replace them with two blocks or walls, and you save some budget. Several items aren't interlocked and they could easily be adjusted to be. Specifically looking at the two ramp, large facing each other in the middle. Just for cleanliness, not completely necessary. Did you use block, tall in the middle structure? Just one double block would do that work for less budget if you have one, or two block, large or two block, huge. I'm really hoping you clean this up and work with your weapons a bit, you'll have a very good map here if you do. I can't find a way to friend request your gamertag, so feel free to send one to me if you'd like me to join a forge session with you and Click here to friend request me
now that the weapons have been covered im going to go over the actual map. If you have enough items left, try adding a few rails. There is nothing i hate more than getting pushed off the map with a grenade. Also, try to replace the stacked wall doubles with wall corners and wall singles because in the 4th picture, where the double walls meet, there is a little crack where a grenade might be able to slip through. Other than that, great map.