
Discussion in 'Halo 3 MLG Maps' started by The Sock Man, Aug 30, 2008.

  1. The Sock Man

    The Sock Man Ancient
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    Just a little heads-up, this is the first MLG type of map I've ever made, as well as the first time I've ever posted on this site, so I have no clue about how to put in screenshots in this post. This map DID take about 12 hours of building and tweaking and about another three of testing for bugs, breaks in the wall, etc. So, without further ado, I present to you: Insurrection!


    Gamevee Vid, Team Slayer


    Each team (there can only be two, any more than that and spawns get messed up) spawns on one base, on opposite sides of the map. Each base has a distinguishing feature: The base closest to the windows has an unreachable active camoflauge and the base diagonally across from it has a blocked teleporter.
    The map is a rectangle, with an unbreachable wall protecting the back rooms (you can try all you want, you WILL NOT be able to get past that wall). Walkways run all along the edges of the map, with cover here and there (but in symmetrical spots) along each walkway. There is a sniper located on two of the adjacent walkways, these can be used to pin down the walkways, however a good player will be able to oust the sniper and a good grenadier will be able to rebound grenades onto the walkway.
    There are numerous types of cover that frequent the floor below, placed in tactical spots to give an attacker a run for their money and a defender a fighting chance, and vice-versa.
    The part of the map where most of the action occurs is the center walkway, which connects parallel side walkways together and provides a spot for the one weapon that there is only one of at a time: the Mauler, which spawns the exact same distance from each base. There are also hiding spots at the bottom of the center platform; however, they are very shallow and are best used for confusing opponents who didn't see you duck into them. There is also an unreachable floating platform above the center of the map that can be used to bounce grenades at people on top of the central platform.
    I almost forgot: each non-base corner of the map has a distinguishable feature: the one by the forged wall has an unreachable gravity lift and the one by the windows has a fusion coil that instantly respawns if destroyed.
    With all that said, have fun! And this map doesn't just work for Team Slayer, it works with each type of team game. However, free for all games mess up the spawn system and should not be played on this map.

    If you are interested in this map and wish to DL it or comment on the thread, go here. There is also an overview screenshot. Again, sorry that I am unable to embed screenshots here, I have no clue how to.
  2. stin10

    stin10 Ancient
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    ok, i know you have a vid but you still have to embed pics, look in my sig and head to that one group, in the second page of it it explains how to properly embed pics.
    also did you get the name from my mlg map. ressurection
  3. The Sock Man

    The Sock Man Ancient
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    Thanks, I'll get on it as soon as I can.

    EDIT: No, this is actually the first time I've ever been to this site. Insurrection sounded cool and it means Rebellion, another cool word lol.
    #3 The Sock Man, Aug 30, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 30, 2008
  4. Solo

    Solo Ancient
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    Also, to prevent this thread from getting locked, only provide the name of the map in the title.
  5. stin10

    stin10 Ancient
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    o well then from what i can see from the vid, great first post. all i would say is to flip those double boxes and bridges upside down, and straighten up the b signs, and a couple of the walls.

    and ya, he's right, if you have any more questions just pm me.
  6. The Sock Man

    The Sock Man Ancient
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    Believe it or not, that is a slightly old vid, the changes I made to the updated one were straightening the b signs and changing the mauler perch from a barrier to a raised interlocked box. I'll change the title and get a pic up. The bridges that act as walkways on the edge of the map I'll eventually get around to doing, but those things were a b*tch to make lol.

    *merged posts*

    Sorry about the double post, just telling y'all that V2 will be out either today, tommorow, or the next.
    #6 The Sock Man, Aug 30, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 31, 2008
  7. TyQuillon

    TyQuillon Ancient
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    I really feel ( based on your picture) Its a little too open for an MLG map. Maybe you might want to consider adding more bulk to the map, instead of scenery(sp?)...just a thought. 3/5
  8. The Sock Man

    The Sock Man Ancient
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    V2 is going to be like that, with less openness. Part of the reason I did that was to make it so that no matter where you were in the map, you could both shoot and be shot at, making map control harder but more rewarding as you get a bird's eye vantage point of the fighting. Plus, the picture doesn't give a very good feel for the map at all, but it was the one spot I could get to that gave me the largest point of view of the map. The video gives you a much better sense of how the cover works and how the gameplay proceeds.
  9. forgyforge

    forgyforge Ancient
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    You need more pics....Anyway, from what I see, this is a great map. Good cover and structure, 4/5 and I will try and DL it!
  10. The Sock Man

    The Sock Man Ancient
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    Thanks for the support man, it's a good self-esteem boost. Plus, as a heads-up to everyone else, V2 is about halfway completed.

    *posts merged*

    V2 completed!
    #10 The Sock Man, Aug 31, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 31, 2008

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