Instinct Instinct is my 1st post on the Hub, It was originally going to be nothing but more than a MLG map, but in the end it worked well with almost any game variant.My favorite is 4v4 Multi Flag.It is A Symetrical.Let me know if I posted this correctly to please.Thank you, and enjoy! Weapons + Power ups 6 Fragment Greanades 5 Battle Rifles 3 Covenant Carbine 2 Plasma Grenades 1 Sniper Rifle 1 Mauler 1 Bubble shield Red Side Blue Side Bottom Mid Like i said, was headed to be straight MLG at 1st.Just a little character to the map. Snipe at Top Mid Snipe tower is a vary vulnerable place to be, but has view of almost everything. Top Mid A Hallway runs through the mid of the structure, which holds the Mauler, or you can brave running out in the open to grab the Sniper Rifle. Action Shots Download Map Here: : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details
Check the link and I saw them on your profile.They are small but from what I can see it looks good.Nice and Neat interlocks.But no DL or Rate yet.
Please do not spam. His pics weren't working at first. Read the posts, it said he has fixed them. The map looks great though! Really love that mlg sign in the middle. I think everything looks smooth for the most part, so good job. 4.5/5 keep forging
Ah! This map is very cleanly interlocked, but could use some straightening for some of the single scenery objects. And i love the MLG sign on the shield door. Very nicely done 5/5!
this is very cool, great merging and the layout is pretty nice, i love the MLG sign thats the best 5/5 for ansthetics(dont no how to spell)