Is there anywhere you can place a reciever node on foundry that will instantly kill the person going through it? If you place it too far out of the map it will simply disappear. The best I have found so far is to place it right on the edge before it will disappear so if they go through and take one step they will die. However, if they go through carefully they are able to stop right as they go through and stay alive. Any advice?
ya use the save and quit method that way it wont dissapear: hold the objects where you want it outside of the map and throught this whole thing NEVER let go of it. once it is in the exact position you want, save the game the end the game (you should be back in the lobby) then start the game again and it should be in that spot. if you need anything else P.M. me
If that ^ doesen't work out, you can add a grav lift or mancannon behind it. I'm pretty sure Teerav's method will work though. Edit: You beat me by seconds...