
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by actualdoor, Jun 29, 2010.

  1. actualdoor

    actualdoor Ancient
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    Created by: ActualGLoRY, Merrifield69. Featuring: About 1200 Jews, and WickedSOADMAN.

    The map you have all been waiting about 8 months for is finally here. We spent a lot of time making sure it was as easy as possible to do, but it is very hard to figure out. This map may also seem confusing, we made it as confusing as possible because we want to challenge you to think and not just do random stuff. A few months have been put into the testing of this map and has been tested by several people to ensure that everything works properly and there are no breaks that I am aware of. I am very proud of how well this map turned out and I hope you guys have as much fun playing as we did making it.


    This map got its name because it was Inspired by our last puzzle map Frustration V4. We feel that we put some of the best challenges in there but no one really played it much because it was a co-op map. We thought it would be much better as a solo map. So about 7 and a half months ago I asked Merrifield if he wanted to remake it as a solo map. Obviously he said yes. We decided it would fix all of the bad things that Frustration had. We designed this map so you would not have to end the game like the first one and so it would be less frustrating. As the map came along it really did not look much like Frustration, so we called it an inspiration instead of a remake. We re-used the three challenges from Frustration, and the rest are new. I asked my friend About 1200 Jews if he wanted to put any challenges in the map and he showed me 2 awesome ones. My other friend WickedSOADMAN also has one challenge in the map.

    Things to know

    This is a one player map. The max to ever play it with is 4.

    You can not be an elite. If you are an elite there is a high chance to break the map.

    There are about 16 challenges in this map. I say about because it depends on what you consider a challenge.

    This map is not easy to figure out, but easy to do for the most part.

    In the Pentagon room there is a checkpoint in top right corner, but you need a certain equipment to activate it. By throwing it in the top right corner you will get the same equipment you threw. Although now you wont need to do a lot to get that equipment.

    The map requires the gametype listed below.

    Now what you have all been waiting for...














    AoM AJER - Tester
    BeheId - Tester
    CHODOMUIX - Tester, came up with the base concept for the mongoose deployable cover challenge, helped fix breaks.
    CowboyPickle23 - Tester
    Creech n Spawn - Tester
    GAME SMOKER 89 - Tester
    Greensquad414 - Tester
    Keshmo12 - Found and helped fix major breaks.
    Mander A1 - Tester, helped fix breaks, also gave some good advice.
    o Urban Myth o - Tester
    Pnut - Tester
    SoFarGone00 - Tester
    Toadfan5 - Tester
    Tech - Tester
    Tylyr1 - Tester

    If I missed anyone let me know and I will add you in.

    UPDATE: Please Re-download the map again there was a weird glitch that deleted the oddball and the starting spawn points. Also re-download the gametype. I needed to make a change in it.



    For anyone who wants to download the walk-through of the map, here you go:


    #1 actualdoor, Jun 29, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 9, 2010
  2. Cupcake

    Cupcake Forerunner

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    This looks to me as if it's a time-consuming puzzle map...for me anyway. The forging on the Red/Blue circular room is second-to-none. I would and will just sit in that room, staring at how beautiful it is.

    This is getting added to my file share pronto!

    Great addition to the game. Let's see if it lives up to it.
  3. willierross DsX

    willierross DsX Forerunner

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    this is a pretty good map. it took me 30 mins to finish it, but that's because i do a lot of puzzle maps.
  4. actualdoor

    actualdoor Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks, the hub is definitely my favorite room for the forge anyways. It is pretty time consuming, probably about 15 minutes if you do a perfect speed run.

    Hmm you actually beat it? Do you have a film you could send me over XBL? If not could you try to beat it again? I am interested to see if you did everything the right way and if you found any breaks.
  5. Urban Myth

    Urban Myth Ancient
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    Definetely a challenging puzzle, many challenges I've never seen before and I'm glad to see that people are still constructing puzzles like these at the end of halo 3's lifespan. You did a good job glory.
  6. Mander

    Senior Member

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    By far your best map guys, and a true piece of work to stand by. The forging is top-notch, and so are the challenges. You really took your time with this, it shows, and it will pay off. You struck a nice balance of a challenges that are unique and puzzling, but not so hard that they'll cause you to give up on the map. While it was a bit annoying having you always asking and telling about the map, I'm glad I could help, and it showed the true dedication you had for this Glory. So yeah, kudos to you guys for a map full of everything that makes a puzzle great.
  7. cowboypickle23

    cowboypickle23 Ancient
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    This puzzle is incredibly sexy. The challanges in this are absolutly mind boggling, and the aesthetics don't dissappoint either. I wasn't able to beat the map, but the walk through that you showed me just blew my mind. Some of the glitches and techniques needed to beat this map are incredibly creative, and the way they were executed makes this one of the best puzzles released in quite some time now. Great job on this.
  8. buddhacrane

    buddhacrane Ancient
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    This is the first puzzle map in a long time that I've actually played, and by "played" I mean "let ActualGlory tell me how to do everything while I just followed his instructions" but it has allowed me to see the hard work you guys have put into this map along with the new, creative, and varied challenges you've all devised. I don't think I've seen quite so many uses for a deployable cover in one map before!

    While you say that you've made the puzzles more about being difficult to figure out but easy to do, I would say some of them still require some skill and dexterity to pull off (I'm looking at you ghost-pallet challenge!). I've always been in favour of a mixture of the mental and the physical though so I see this as a plus; whether others agree though is a matter of personal preference. At least there are no hard jumps! ;)

    Puzzle maps lately have grown beyond just creating challenging rooms, and now you see some authors that go out of their way to add aesthetics and polish to these spaces, showing that their optical forging skill is on par with their technical forging prowess. This map is no exception, and shows that you're all able to forge with precision and finesse to create well-crafted rooms for housing your devious brainteasers.

    I noticed that there is a lot of backtracking in this map. Now, while this does add to the complexity of the map, this is the one feature I was not so fond of. One thing I feel is important is a clear sense of direction for the player to go, so that they know one particular path is the way of progress. It can be beyond frustrating to be second guessing yourself, wondering whether you're supposed to be going back to a different room or area, or whether you're actually in the right room but just haven't solved the puzzle. I noticed a few instances where, were I playing by myself, I would have been wondering that very thing. Having to backtrack maybe once, or twice, isn't too bad but there were numerous times where you did this in Inspiration and I wouldn't have had a clue when you wanted me to find the next area or when you wanted me to revisit a past room. This, of course, is only my opinion and very possibly one that others do not share, but I felt it was worth mentioning.

    It's also worth mentioning that you guys did well to collaborate on this and come out with a map that doesn't feel like a mash of different concepts all forced into one. I know, from past experience, it can be difficult to work together on a puzzle map, especially with so many authors, so well done on that!

    In conclusion, this puzzle map has many great things going for it (maze-like puzzle progression aside) to make it one of the most impressive of its kind out right now and well worth a download for anyone seeking a fun and interesting set of challenges.
    #8 buddhacrane, Jul 6, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2010
  9. actualdoor

    actualdoor Ancient
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    Just kidding. Although I don't think people will really like the difficulty of the ghost part (Can't believe I did it on your host), I think that is the only thing people will have problems doing. About the maze-like parts, it is kind of a free roam-ish puzzle. I like the backtracking because it makes you explore the map, find every teleporter and think of a solution or a different area you can go to. I think it challenges you to think a bit more than playing a linear room by room puzzle. Although everyone is entitled to their own opinions. To everybody else, thanks for your comments.
    #9 actualdoor, Jul 8, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 8, 2010
  10. Mojo22106

    Mojo22106 Forerunner

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    I have a question. How does being an elite break the map?
  11. xXx Shadow xXx

    xXx Shadow xXx Forerunner

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    /\ What Mojo said /\

    Anyways this took me like 2 Hours cause i got Confused lol and this was Time Consuming but to Everybody that will Read this Post MAKE SURE TO DOWNLOAD Best map ever
  12. actualdoor

    actualdoor Ancient
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    Thanks. Those pesky elites have something weird with them. They can go through completely blocked teleporters, and pick stuff through the wall. As I realized they could do those things, I had already run out of objects. It is your choice to be an elite, just note you may not be doing things right. For anyone who would like to see a walk-through here it is: Link
    I shall put it in the OP.
  13. Mister man 1217

    Mister man 1217 Ancient
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    I ahve to start off by saying this map is incredibly clean. So props for that my friend. An a question... how can the sandbox skull veen show during the game, it only appears in Forge...
  14. actualdoor

    actualdoor Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thank you. It is called Auto-pickup. I took out the skull though. I am going to update that part because you no longer get the skull.
  15. Fatality

    Fatality Forerunner

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    Wow, that looks really challenging! But it IS a puzzle map, so it's supposed to be. The forging is spectacular, the merging is flawless, and the feel is very...right,fitting, whatever. My point is the map looks great.
  16. OMGItzOrion

    OMGItzOrion Ancient
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    Now here's a puzzle map that deserves more recognition. The forging is gorgeous and you have some cool challenges here from what I can tell. Great job guys!

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