
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Cheezey53, Jun 3, 2008.

  1. Cheezey53

    Cheezey53 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Try this

    This is a map i made before i looked at this awsome site and got many new ideas. But i can't use them becasue my xbox got the red ring of death.
    Recomended number of players is- 2v2

    Recomended gametypes-
    -Team Slayer
    -team duels

    My map is very unbalanced but if you download this map you can very easily change it too your likeing. But this map has highground and low ground areas. it has two lower rooms and one longe tunnel for a armory. On the High ground the map has two turrets acrossed from each other. also a floating sword room!!!

    -The map is Last Resort

    It is all in side on last resort i'm working on a second version

    here is the link to download

    The link is there are screen shots also there

    By cheezey53

    By cheezey53

    By cheezey53

    By cheezey53

    By cheezey53

    Send me feed back if you like or don't like the map, also if you have any tips for me.

    and if this post doesn't meet the requirements i tied to do it right.
    #1 Cheezey53, Jun 3, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2008

    DRiSCOLL Ancient
    Senior Member

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    wow a map in last resort its been a while, the bariers (sp?) with the brs is good and the placement of the turrets. but sadly this map has nothing to offer, it seems a bit open and simple.
  3. yomtvraps

    yomtvraps Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Will a mod please lock this thread. he posted the exact same map last night. NO DOUBLE POSTING.

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