Well my friend informed me of this video posted, a cool video detail basically of game informer. Thought it would help some of ya'll who have not heard/read it yet. YouTube- Inside Gaming: Halo Reach Special 01/16/10 (Machinima Video Game News) I already knew all this via Game Informer but still its nice to see some good news coming out about the game. The good non illegal news. BTW Sark also states that everything online gamers want will still be their, MLG, gametype manipulation, FORGE!!!, and Replays
Oh god... Thanks so much for sharing. I swear I am going to literally die waiting for that game. Especially in the last month/week.
Lol I love how they say that the video will stop you from looking up illegal scans, although they have scanned pictures in the video. OH THE IRONY! But yeah, I'm excited.