Hey guys what's up, this is my newest map and hope you guys enjoyed it. Insanity v2 is obviously and version 2, my first version was a long time ago when I wasn't as good as I am now and you don't I probably spent more time on the front flip then on the actual track because I couldn't get the front flip perfect, it works most of the time but not always so noone post any comments saying the front flip is bad, I'd like to see you build a better double front flip. Download here: Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details Now for some awesome pics of this insane track! Starting Gate: First - Banked Wave Second - Banked Turn Third/Fourth - Banked Turns Fifth - Banked Wave Sixth - Banked Turn Seventh/Transtion Front Flip Entrance Front Flip Overview Overview 1 Overview 2 [bungievid] 105542921 [/bungievid] Please enjoy this marvelous stunt track Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details
Really cool how you somehow incorporated a front flip into the map. It is dling as i post this message and first comment!
The front flip is a cool idea. I only played on one other map that had a front flip so it's very cool!
Thats quite an unusual flip you have on the map, I dont think i have ever seen one like it. Aside from the flip the map itself looks pretty smooth and it looks like you are unable to cheat it. I will have to check this out and hope that front flip works for me!
I am sorry but the map was just not for me. I just tested it and the flipper only works 50% of the time. That is really a problem. As for people saying they have not seen a flipper before, Tax Man made one last year that worked just about every time. Another problem that I saw was the trip mine is set to 60 seconds. The trips mines need to be set to 180 seconds, other wise they effect the game play too much. The other problem is your starting points are not labeled. You should label them, team one, team two, team three, etc. That way you spawn next to your partner. The track it self was pretty smooth but it seemed very short and forgettable. Did you use an OLN money canvas? It seemed like you just threw a track around the flip idea. Overall all the map is forgettable and I give it a 3/5. Edit: Oh and about the whole, "I would like to see you make a better front flip" thing, don't try me. I know I can make just about anything I put my mind to in forge. I choose not to make a front flipper because I don't really like them and the game play is compromised too much. If you can't get it to work perfectly, it's not anyones fault but your own.
Yes the fliper does not work all the time its best to just leave it out of maps. then no one will get angry...i alos found the end annoying because some **** would stop him mongoose and make it difficult for the rest of us get past....
i actually really liked it =D i thought it was fun wen ur neck and neck trying to be the first one into the flipper greatjob on the map =DDDD