Sandbox Insanity! v2

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Arbacca, Apr 16, 2009.

  1. Arbacca

    Arbacca Ancient
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    Insanity! v2
    Created by Arbacca
    Special thanks to Gunnergrunt

    Supported Gametypes:
    Any 2-team or free-for-all gametype, excluding infection.
    Top Games:

    Forging 101:
    [ YES ] __Floating Objects
    [ ___ ] __Instant Respawn
    [ YES ] __Immovable Objects
    [ ___ ] __Timed Map Events
    [ YES ] __Effective Spawn Placement
    [ ___ ] __Gravity Lift Techniques
    [ ___ ] __Objects Placed in Water
    [ ___ ] __Used Symmetry Option
    [ YES ] __Interlocking Objects
    [ YES ] __Objects Merged with Map Geometry
    [ YES ] __Unlimited Budget Glitch

    Map Description
    Insanity! is shaped like Avalanche in design, but has based reminiscent of Valhalla due to the man cannons. Two "arms" extend from each wall on the map, and catwalks are in between these. On each side of the map are two mini bases, and a sender node at each base takes you to the receiver node which the only path to the Spartan Laser. The only other way to the base other than around the wall is a small tunnel, unaccessible to vehicles due to shield door placement. It is still faster to take the long way around in a vehicle than walk the short way. Also, an unnecessary plethora of spawn points makes camping impossible. And finally, back hallways and window-panel-rooms are blocked off due to pointlessness.
    This is a large, vehicle based Foudry map. Although some may glance at the following weapon list and think it is overpowered, I assure you the low ammo in power weapons balances everything.

    Battle Rifle x 10
    Sniper Rifle x 2
    Plasma Pistol x 2
    Needler x 2
    Brute Shot x 2
    Rocket Launcher x 2
    Spartan Laser x 1
    Covenant Carbine x 4
    Machine Gun Turret x 2
    Fragment Grenade x 12
    Plasma Grenade x 12
    Spike Grenade x 2
    Bubble Shield x 2
    Power Drain x 1
    Trip Mine x 2
    Deployable Cover x 2
    Active Camo x 2

    Now, time for screenshots!

    Overview (Boxes removed for more viewing)

    Overview of base. Man cannon launches players underneath the far arm on the map.

    View of mini base and far arm from corner.

    View from man cannon of second arm, first arm, catwalk, turret, and tunnel.

    View of base innards. Behind the camera are built-in stairs up to the top floor. Sender Node takes players to Spartan Laser.

    Another base view, with flag spawn.

    View of tunnel. Missing: Higher wall. Not there anymore: Spike Grenades by turret.

    View of Reciever Node-to-Spartan Laser bridge. Missing: Higher Wall. Not there anymore: Spike Grenades by Spartan Laser

    *Brand new!!* Higher walls so snipers cannot grenade jump onto it.

    And thats all folks! Any other questions about gameplay or map architecture, please leave them here. I will answer and update.
    I would like to give a special thanks to GunnerGrunt for the spawn help and objective placement, and probably much more good stuff I can't remember.
    Thanks to:
    --Testers: You helped out a whole lot, no suggestion went unheard, unless it was drowned out by something exploding.
    --Commenters of previous versions: Thanks again for the many suggestions and painful criticism.

    And incase you missed it:
    Download Insanity! v2
    #1 Arbacca, Apr 16, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 17, 2009
  2. Combat P3nguin

    Combat P3nguin Ancient
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    alsome map dude vallhala and averlanch combind i like interlocking perfect, one problem i have i doent matter anyway but four power weopons in a small map it's just not right
  3. ubgrayedd

    ubgrayedd Ancient
    Senior Member

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    this looks grate, youve done a good job and i like the symetry in this map. keep this going. 9/10
  4. The Violence Within

    Senior Member

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    You put the wrong prefix before your map, edit the post and put either Foundry or Heroic DLC so no one gets confused.

    Overall the map looks pretty good, except for the big open space that lines the both sides. You should add something to reduce lines of sight, because it just makes for easy defense of the bases and doesn't give the other team much of a chance to attack the base in CTF. This gap is also giving the sniper a great view into the base, if an enemy gets up there, he could make things very difficult for that team.

    Also the mini-bases merged into the wall look a bit plain, and do not promote movement around the map. My suggestion would be to add some more structures that link with the spartan laser spawn, to help your map flow better.

    Technically, your merging and interlocking is very good. There don't seem to be any bumps and the merging looks pretty straight.

    I've covered a lot and the only thing you NEED to change is the prefix

    All in all well done! And Keep Forging!
    #4 The Violence Within, Apr 16, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2009
  5. Gollygeeanelite

    Gollygeeanelite Ancient
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    That bridge may seem less accessible but I am sure someone wanting to get onto that bridge could jump off a teammates head and reach it. So that area might be a little OP. However, I love the aesthetics you put into this map and the symmetry that you put into it makes it top notch. Great job on Insanity, it looks great and must play great too!!
  6. Arbacca

    Arbacca Ancient
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    I'll see if I can get a better view of the minibase, because it actually looks good and I never realized I didn't have any :| But anyway, the minibase is the only access to the rocket launcher and ghost, so that may help attract attention.
    Sniper gets only one clip (4 bullets), so he doesn't snipe for long. And the open space is intentional, vehicles need to go somewhere.
    Thanks for the suggestions, and I'll see what I can do about that prefix. And I thought everything was perfect... :(
    The bridge is very easy to get to, just go through a teleporter in one of the bases. Thanks for the comments
  7. Big and Firm

    Big and Firm Ancient
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    finealy a good slayer map that hase good mergeing and good jeyo mergeing. I've been wateing for a map like this and you did it good job man. I giv 5/5 *****
  8. Dow

    Dow Ancient
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    I don't quite see the updates. However, I think the map is still a little too overpowered. Like Violence said, when you get the sniper, you are already at a high vantage point. This paired with little geometry blocking lines of sight could easily be exploited and induce spawn camping. I still haven't gotten a chance to play on this =( (too much homework), but when I do, I'll be sure to tell you anything else I think you could improve on. PS. I still think there is too many grenades.
  9. Arbacca

    Arbacca Ancient
    Senior Member

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    -Changed spawns
    -Much more gametypes
    -Map geometry altered
    -Mainly Frag and Plasma Grenades, rather than a mix of Spike, Plasma, Frag.
    -Description change
    -Free tacos included with purchase
    The reason there is so little cover is due to the excess of BR's, and to encourage the player to wander to covered areas, which have vehicles nearby. Once a player hops in a vehicle, they are free to go anywhere.
    And for the overpowering thing, EVERYTHING (Rockets, Snipers) HAS ONE CLIP, and a 60 second respawn.
  10. Gunnergrunt

    Gunnergrunt Ancient
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    I usually pass up on offers to help someone make a map, but this one really caught my attention. I was blown away the first time i played it. The layout is terrific and well thought out! And arbacca forged some of the best mancannons i have ever used. While playing this, I was reminded of several big team battle maps. You cant go wrong with combining the best functioning BTB layouts, structures, and ideas into a single map, as proven here. I'm glad you made the improvements from the original version. You really know how to apply your suggestions!

    This is one of the best CTF maps i have ever played on, no doubt about it. It is a much bigger map than it seems. It is difficult to make vehicles work on foundry, but you managed to pull off 8 vehicles and keep it balanced. That is a most impressive feat, my friend. This map plays well with many of gametypes as well, including assualt, and KOTH. Insanity is so incredibly balanced. And every single play style is incorporated into the map. I look forward to more games with you. This map will has earned a permanent place on my harddrive.

    It was a pleasure helping you with the map, man. Its impressive how fast you can work and still maintain quality! I can't wait to see your next maps. And lost tower is coming along swimmingly! A giant cyber high five to arbacca and his fantastic map, Insanity!

    Pshh where's my taco!
  11. Doog Nit

    Doog Nit Ancient
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    Hmm... the aesthetics according to the pics seem to be very impressive. However I have found that pictures can be deceiving. I doubt this is the case since your maps generally never lack aesthetic qualities, but I definitely want to make sure of it so I'll give it a go some time this week.

    What's the recommended amount of players? Sorry if you put it in the post I forgot to read the description. Lemme know in a PM or Visitor Message and I'll make sure to get in at least a couple games on it and let ya know how it went.

    Rating Without Playing: 4.8/5 The .2 is because of the crane. It seems as though it's cheatable and if not, it's nonetheless aesthetically unpleasant.
  12. Arbacca

    Arbacca Ancient
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    Yeah I'm pretty sure I could've worked with the crane (I still have 16 unused Wall Corners :|), but after going insane with the mini bases, I decided not to, I might have destroyed my 360. And it is not cheatable, cause I got some doors on that ho.
    Also, the open single box with the power drain is almost perfectly in the middle, maybe a little off. And EVERYTHING is nice, smooth, no major bumps, and lined up as if it were on a grid. Well, except for maybe the top of the arms.
  13. Brenden

    Brenden Ancient
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    You need the prefix changed on this map. And on the map it looks overpowering so fix that too or it won't be fun. Looks good but not enough cover
  14. Dow

    Dow Ancient
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    Ok, so when I was playing this with you I noticed a few things.

    1. The bridges with the barriers on them are lacking in ways to access them, I never once even walked on them.

    2. The spawns in the man cannon bases are somewhat disorientating. It's hard to tell which way I can walk when I spawn.

    3. The warthogs are in very plagueing positions. It is hard to get to it, and if you are on the bottom of the base, trying to get the flag in multi flag, it can get in the way when trying to get up top.

    That's all I could really see that I had a problem with. Despite the large amounts of power weapons, the map is not by any means overpowered. This is because you placed them very well taking in to account (I assume) risk/reward factors.

    PS. I still think there is too many grenades =P
  15. Youtuber

    Youtuber Ancient
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    It was fun playing flag on this, but I had a few problems. Some objects are there just for the aesthetics, not even for cover or actual playing. The map is actually very well put together, other than for a few obvious defects, like the prementioned useless objects, and comes out very balanced. It was fun to play on, even with a party that was bugging the hell out of me for some infection.

    Good job, keep forging, and keep.... well forging I guess.
  16. Apple s4uc3

    Apple s4uc3 Ancient
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    This is a pretty nice map its big and clean and the gameplay looks nice and the gametypes are perfect.
  17. Zanitor

    Zanitor Ancient
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    This map is great! It is very perfectly forged, there was no bumps, not any major imperfections. I also really want ot compleetement you upon this:
    I have always tried something like that, I can never get it too look that perfect, you done a exceptional job on the map, the Line of Sight are broken when needed, and some of the jumps are fun, but tricky, The back of Foundry looks very nice, you done a GREAT job on this entire map. I enjoyed playing this map. Also the weapon placement was good, I may of done it differently, but I think it is fine, the size of the map is really great. You had good Aesthetics, but I would of gave maybe a little more cover, with that done I would of liked it bit more. Good Map ;)
  18. Arbacca

    Arbacca Ancient
    Senior Member

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    -Thanks for the suggestions, but I honestly thought there was enough ways onto the bridge. It may be the fact you don't really need to go up on the bridges, since there's nothing really important there.
    -Blame Gunnergrunt for the spawns (Even he can't escape criticism!). And if you don't like them now, don't play my older versions, you'll be terrified haha.
    -Thanks for the Warthog suggestion, I notice it, but never really took into account how much of a problem it was...
    -If there is ever a v3 (probably not), I'll take into account the grenades thing. Just for you.

    Thanks, but can you clarify what is there only for ascetics (If you ever read this again...)? I used each object to it's full ability, so I dunno what you're really talking about...
  19. R0FLninja

    R0FLninja Ancient
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    I played this with playerhata, gunnergrun and sharpshooter the other day, it was pretty damn fun, a little cover would be nice tho, i liked grabbing the trip mines and throwing them at people as i went of the mancannon, the looks of the map are stunning, extremely well layed out, good job.

    excellent forging 4.95/5
  20. Arbacca

    Arbacca Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yea I gotta agree with you on the tripmine thing, that's pretty fun. Unless you throw them into the mancannon right before you go in, which is what I do. And I hear all this talk about cover, but where is it exactly needed/wanted? All I hear is "It needz more coverz," but not where to put it.

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