Insanity 152 is a HALO 3 style go-kart track. It is HALO style because it has a jump in it and in real go-kart tracks there are no jumps. The track is as high up in Foundry as you can go. I thought this would add some nice accent to the track design. The track itself is not very long maybe only 10 - 15 seconds to get around it but it is very fun with lots of people. Before you all ask, the bump at the end is supposed to be there, let me tell you why. Its there to slow people down so they dont go smashing into the wall, may seem silly but life is tough and its not just a big bump there is a fence box to smoothe it.. Once again the track is not cheat proof but I promise to start making tracks cheat proof. Enjoy the track and please comment and download. Watch the YouTube video YouTube - HALO 3 racetracks - Insanity 152 (AnF Knight) Down load here : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details Download here : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details
Height Nice racing map. I really like the height. It's probably a sweet view for the racers. The map also looks very nice from underneath. I'll give it a spin tomorrow.
I got $20 that this map, or a future version of it, will get featured. Just like the skate park, once it got midair, it was featured. Same with this. But very nice job. Interlocking looks superb and looks flawless. Will test out and get back to ya
I really like the idea of a simple track high up in foundry. It also probably interesting to race up so high in the air. The interlocking in the track also looks very smooth. I will for sure give this a DL. Keep up the great work.
The interlocking is really nice and smooth. Of course, i love the fact that's all in midair. i'm not for the moveable barriers in a racing map, but i'll still DL.
Looks really well interlocked and well made. Though i do suggest you remove a good portion of the walls and railings stopping players from falling off, whats the point of having a map up that high if theirs no risk of falling?
Really nice. Good interlocking except in the last pic. This very clean and you used nice use of other items like barrels. LOLZ. 3.5/5
Make it escape proof and it would get featured. 5/5 this is the mother of all foundry race/ go-karts. 5/5. Make it escape proof and it'll be 100/1 plus a nice little feature. Keep on forging. (Good interlocking except in the last pic-DEANM12) If you read the post you'll know its their to slow people down. Plz read the post before you post
I just played it, its really fun, most short tracks get boring after the first few tracks but this one was fun everytime. Im def gunna keep it. I didn't like the bump at all though. I think you should have put the mongooses on a higher platform or something then add sheild doors to prevent slamming into the wall, it works and then you dont lose any speed. other than that it was an awesome track and i really like how you used the immovable objects to border at some of the places, it makes the track a little more difficult to race on and its fun to know people off overall id give it a 9/10
this reminds me of a roller coaster how your up in the air and you go very fast making sharp turns very good map great idea putting it up in the air
The first thing i said to myself when i clicked on the link to this thread, was "Ho, ****!" That first screen shot is my main reason for downloading this, it has a perfect, and clean curve. The rest of the map looks great too! Your interlox is perfect, and i think you did a great job! 5/5!
I like this the interlocking is incredible. i like how its way up in the air, that makes the forging even harder. This is one of the best tracks ive seen 5/5
Overall a great map. I really like the fact that you based it off of go-kart Halo 3 racing. That, and the fact that it's way up in the air makes this map awesome! 1) Great Interlocking 2) Smooth style map 3) Idea executed affectively 4) High up in the air 5) Seemed as though time was taken affectively on this map. The only thing i would say is that a V2 always comes out for these maps and they get Better! Maybe if you fixed the barriers, or completely took them off and added a varient that wouldn't hurt. Good Luck, hope for featured. =)
If you ask me your a little too full of yourself. Just thought I would bring that up. I say this because of your comments on Quasar by Dream and Slik. If you go around stating the way you feel than other people are able to do so as well. Dont get all ofended by this im just throwing this out there befire people start to get mad. P.s. im not mad.
Do you really think it is 100%? I mean its not cheat proof go to point so is it really 100%. But thanks for the comment. Ha ha ha look at that I just shut down my own map lol.
When I posted the track I forgot the YouTube video. Untill now I had no idea so please feel free to check it out and umm sorry about the bad quality in my next video it will be better. Thanks.
WOAH, lol i cant believe that you made a map this is totally off the ground, that is sooo cool. I think that i'll download this and give it a whirl, i like the pictures and how it looks like a go-cart map, its looks really fun, 4.5/5 for me