Insane54's TGIF party. Hey guys First of I would like to thank the members of Insnane's party for following the rules being mature and cool people, I had a great time playing and on to the recap. The group picture. Now remember guys DO NOT deviate from the line. Cat N' Mouse Confused? yeah me too. Epic Wheelie of winsauce! Duck Hunt The Ducks of Onyx do not approve. The Cellars Costantly pushing forward. Lost Chamber. I am going to check over here. RUN!RUN!RUN!RUN! Oh hai! An Open Fire Totally worth the T-bag. The Swings Go away I am not in here! Wel that concludes this Recap hope you liked itfeel free to post your own pics here.
An Open Fire and The Swings are both awesome maps. Too bad DrawingMan's party only played Peasant Hunt the entire thing. And I don't think the DoO would approve of me getting a killimanjaro as a human in Duck Hunt.
aww. you didnt get my good side in the first picture im stuck behind someone head. and when i joined the game it didnt seem all that organized. lol. it was mostly people screaming and people still trying to fight. lol. ohh well i had a great time in your party Insane. (while it lasted).
Looks fun. I was in Drawingmans party, and he kept lagging out, and we kept having random people show up and drop
That was an epic cat and mouse game indeed. man I wish i stayed longer to be in the group picture. *sigh*
lol i loved that party and that runrun run thing.. thats right run you ***** run muhahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahaha! Oh and good job cheating at hobo heights lol
Yea one of the best TGIF's ever. roche's epic run run run, and nobodys in here please leave was epic win sause. great job on the recap. I got some screenshots but I dont really know. it looks like yours are 10x better then mine but search up TGIF #11 insane 54. thats all one tag. I posted some pics in there