dumb cat, I think the rule is 2 or 3 weeks without a post, so it's OK I guess. As for our project status, we are busy with Hoth and Cantina at the moment, although we are carefully considering whether we should carry on with Hoth or not... we feel we can produce a superior map, but that it is just so overdone right now.
Actually, I've been working on Invisible Hand in super duper secret. Still havent gotten far, though...
Thats one of our designs still in progress. I was working a while ago to figure out if I could make it look similar, and it turned out it would have to be overscaled and a small portion of the area, but it is possible...might be done later.
I has a question is the carbon freezing chamber the same map where Vader cuts off Luke's hand or is that a different area? and what about the death star?
I think we have come to a decision that Hoth is overdone so I don't know what we are going to do in its place.
Biggles I have an idea for a great battle. I actually just did it and I can show you sometime, or you can redo it how you like... I'll PM you the idea.
Can you PM it to me? I'm more of the co-ordinator on this whole thing, and I havent gotten a chance to talk to Biggles in a couple days.
I was thinking that you could use the area of standoff with the delayed death field on the ground as the lava on mustafar... but i wouldn't really know =P
I notice this thread is really old. Have you guys followed through at all or was it a bust? If you need anything, I'm your starwars nerd.
From Star wars battlefront 2(Death Star), lots of poles with a rim around them for standing on lots of jumping. I'll try to get pics.
I'm not really sure what happened...I think Shock's been busy, as he hasnt been on much at all, and he seems to want to do his maps when he is on, which is understandable. I think eventually we'll get back into it, I have designs for a couple maps (Cantina and Invisible Hand)...
Cantina,ftw. You should mod the map just so you can have the music playing. I hope this eventually comes along, good luck with it.
Wait a second. If this is a preview. Then why isnt it closed ? I got my MLG map preview closed. I dont think this is very fair.