Well, Darth Maul does get dispatched in the lamest way (I have many reasons why he should have stayed the secondary villain up until the end of the third film), so it'll work out great no matter what! ;-) Sounds good. We can yell at all the kids to stop playing around our Warthog...
That's awesome. -sitting down by a silo drinking some beers on Standoff- Squid-Damn't you LIVE hooligans!! Off my lawn!! -Ty- snipes hooligans from his roof everyone's happy ... LOL Now back to Star Wars and why it's sad the first Duel to be released isn't Luke vs. Emperor ...
The next one is going to be on The Invisible Hand - Dooku, Obi-Wan and Anakin. Sorry, Luke isn't making an appearance just yet... There's a minigame though. You are tasked to retrieve the Darth Mauler...
@shock ROFL, great pic...btw i have an idea to make it a bit harder, we can work on that today or tommorow or w/e... @squid i think i sent u a few invs every now and then but you never accepted...i think youll find its far less skill than getting into character and being smart about it, if you can outmaneuver the other guy you can usually beat the noobs who rush and slash over and over @ty yea ill come see that whenever im able...send invs whenever ur on, id really like to see how you did it compared to mine so far
I just saw this thread and ran a search on every page for yoda, and I didn't find anything. One with yoda, how can you not have? Seriously though, the yoda-emperor clash was awesome and would work perfectly. They are jumping all around the courtroom (whatever it is), and then, yoda has to escape through the pipes. The yoda/anakin/obi wan-dooku battle from episode 2 might work too. I am excited to see these maps.
yoda/palpatine's duel is The Senate, which is being considered for Duel Map Pack 2. we did consider the map from Episode 2, but its too small and featureless, its basically a ground with a few pillars, and a ship on 1 side anyway, we're done with DOTF. its got to be one of the most beutiful maps ive ever seen, tho i can point out exactly every teensy problem i think thats just cuz we were epic OCD about it. we'll have pics up soon showing more of the map. it will be released next best available time, which could be anywhere from a few days to a few weeks.
Sorry, Insane; I missed out on the first one completely and I got the one from yesterday, but I was in the middle of explaining to my wife why I needed to be playing Halo (let's just say my excuse didn't cut it) at that particular time. Don't give up on me. ;-) I did play this with Furious and Cosmic Rick last night after the Furious Review and it was pretty cool, and that's coming from someone who doesn't really like infection. I totally got caught up in the moment and the whole Star Wars feel. It looks incredible; you guys did a fantastic job.
great you should try it when the Duel of the Fates music is playing, its pretty epic (yes we did this...kinda weird but it IS awesome)
Sweet, I'll have to get that soundtrack and play it. I was trying to do the whole SW quotes thing, but not a whole lot is really said during that fight except for, "noooooooooooooooo!!"
yea i do have the soundtracks so i can send it to people with skype if you have it...prolly the best game ive had so far lasted exactly as long as the movie, where the last man jedi hit maul into the pit, it was probobly the most realistic to the movie ive seen yet...it even had the grav thrown perfectly and he took out one jedi that way, etc
Sorry, I didn't see that one up there. I don't think the one from Episode 2 would be very good either, but I just thought it was essential to have at least one map with yoda in it. I am pumped to see what these look like. Are you going to post them (the screenshots) here or in the maps section?
what do you mean? we have a few pics of Duel of the Fates a couple pages back, and we're starting work on Invisible Hand now.
Duel of the Fates is done, itll be featured probobly next weekend or so, maybe a bit later... we started working on Invisible Hand but the floor is just crazily hard so we stopped and have started working on Cantina.
Sounds cool. I was just thinking about these maps when I saw another star wars map and was hoping you guys weren't shuttin' it down. I must have skipped the page with the pictures, and I meant to ask where we could find the maps once they were released. I guess it came out wrong, but I was curious if you guys would post them here or in the maps forums.
surprisingly enough, duel of the f8s really uses alot of tactics/ jumping across death defying areas packed with lightsabery goodness. Really cool map to be on, and this mini-casual map will be a good one for small parties when you cant get in those other guys for the big parties.
ill put all the maps and screenies on the first page as we do them, as well as clean up the first post, tommorow...so people dont get confused release is officially April 5, only thing were waiting on is the video.