IMO DOTF needs some thing more... Like another equipment, or something, like a power drain or a regen.
Grr. I was gonna try the Battle of Hoth before I saw this... based on it saying "Objective Pack" I'm hoping mine will be different from yours... Could you maybe post a bit more info about your Hoth map so I don't end up copying it inadvertently? Just the game type would be enough. But if you don't want to tell I understand.
i dont mind competition at all, theres already another Battle of Hoth by Biggles2 game is basically a 1 bomb varient where you blow up the ATAT. pretty much. Biggle's one is different, so you might wanna check both. his is in Asthetics.
Oh okay. I was thinking more influential VIP on snowbound (VIP = jedi), instead of focusing on any specific (objective-based) part of the battle.) And yeah I saw Biggles's, I don't have foundry yet so now worries there.
cool, i hope to see yours as well (i was thinking of VIP but in the end decided upon One Bomb)...mine is also on Standoff, so if you dont have the new pack its even more different...actually makes it pretty appealing if its not from the new pack
Yeah, from what I've heard people are already sick of foundry maps, so I'm probably gonna end up skipping strait from the normal ones to the legendaries (forge wise) :/ Anyway, G' Night.
Are you going to do the Mos Eisley Cantina? I know that Squidhands posted something about this really early, but is it in the works or still a Idea?
Insane if you get a chance I worked out the "blowing up AT-AT" and I must say it's quite entertaining to watch explode, debris and crap flys everywhere, you'll have to come check it out. I'm pretty sure the head blows off too .... i think.
Shock, have you considered changing armor permutations for the pictures? I'm thinking that you could add a little more aesthetic flair to the pictures if Darth Maul has the Hayabusa helmet, for example. Dooku could also be something sinister, and the Jedis could have the Mark V or Mark VI. Just a thought. Also, I'll play a match or two after the review session tonight, if we can break into games of 3 players.
It is round based. But even if you're Maul it's not necessarily quick. It's really well setup for what was needed in design.
No, you don't understand; I suck. I'm hardly ever in matchmaking, and when I do the Furious Review stuff I'm going up against guys who are close to 30 levels above me. I'm still looking forward to it, though.
I thought you meant you'd rape everyone as Maul .... my bad ... :squirrel_giggle: Squid I think even a noob can survive for awhile as Maul .... :squirrel_giggle:
No worries. Easy mistake to make since we haven't played together and most people like to brag about how good they are. I think we might be playing it this evening, so it should be pretty cool no matter what. The screens look great.
It's all good, the rounds can be quick or epic, it throws up a different result every time. You just gotta get into character : ) Furious, good idea about the armour perms, I'll check out some variations right now....