mine are definately more rough than most... anyway, pics might be up later for how far we've gotten into Duel of the Fates (the maul duel), it looks awesome already
So, long time no update. Duel of the Fates is in its delta build and we need testers! Features of the map: Small bridge area with multiple layers and death pit below Shield door corridor which Darth Maul can use to block and separate the jedi Large circular room incl. death pit where Qui Gon is killed in the movies Completely blocked off and interlocked The most insane mini game challenge ever seen: Retrieve the 'Darth Mauler' Help us release our first Star Wars map - shout if you want in!
here is a picture of the starting area, where the initial fights usually begin. of course you cant see much of the map from the pic, but pretty soon ill post up some more (we're making some last minute adjustments)
Insane, me and a friend or two might want to join in testing over the weekend... If it's ok. I would be working off of his xbox but he's mostly mature and gives good map advice.
probobly. we're going to get new testers to see things like gametype tweaks and if its confusing to newbies, so we'll be testing through the weekend. i cant disclose a release date atm, but it is soon...work has already started on the second map. new pictures showing the map will be up later today or tommorow.
You were in Rocket Race, then I checked again and you were offline... : ( Crossed wires. We will duel someday soon my 'Jedi friend'...
You know, if you were to spring one of these on us after the next Furious Review session, I wouldn't be opposed to playing it. Just sayin'...
it doesnt really work well with other than exactly 3 players, tho its possible to play it if your a really good jedi or maul...i once took down 3 jedi but it was close...
i was thinkin about this and actually it might be good to do them after the Furious Reviews, if we have few enough people we'll test a duel map i guess, but when we get into the Objective maps, we'll easily be able to fit it in after the review :squirrel_evil:
After getting to finally play this on the weekend I must say a beautiful map and an original game/gametype to boot. I think this will catch on well, at least as far as mini-games go.
DOTF will be release in the next 1-2 weeks. Small bugs are being fixed before release, so just wait a little longer. I've also been working with a gametype called THIS IS SPARTA! (if youve played the map, youll understand probobly) but I dont think it will show up on download time.... the next map is Invisible Hand, where Anakin and Obiwan fight Dooku in Episode 3, near the beginning of the movie. This map will also work with 1v1s (on paper its a very good 1v1 map), and is almost out of the conceptualize part. All 3 of the maps included in the pack will work for the same gametype, which will be obviously very conveniant....I showed Mags what I'm looking for in the first or second objective map, Death Star Trench, and he's started work on that...anyway, more news and pics to come!