Insane/Shock Theta/Mags89's Star Wars Pack(s)

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Insane54, Feb 14, 2008.

  1. Wakko45

    Wakko45 Ancient
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    I'd say thats fine. Will there be multiple levels of bridges like in the dual so you can jump down and back up (with a mancannon or gravlift) ?
  2. Ty

    Ty Guest

    This is bound to be pretty damn cool. I'm always up for helping with the Star Wars stuff. Can't wait to see them.
  3. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    Yeah, I think only having a couple of bridges for the Darth Maul duel would be fine. Besides, you want to have the focus be the pit, right? How are you going to do the shield doors to make them similar to the movie version?
  4. Ty

    Ty Guest

    They don't necessarily need to move (shield doors) I think it would work fine and be pretty aesthetic with the shield doors.
  5. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    Yeah, I'd agree they don't have to move, I was more referring to having them be an actual barrier between players for a brief amount of time like in the movie. I guess it really wouldn't make much of a difference if it isn't going to be a lopsided 3-player match (and really, who plays with an odd number of people), but it would still be a pretty cool aspect of the map if it could be done.
  6. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    we might have a possibility were the player will have to wait approx 30 seconds every 10 seconds on the middle shield door, but it isnt tested yet

    the bridge will probobly be very small, mabe a little floating platform u can jump to but idk even about that...the deathpit is pretty tough to do right...the pit will probobly be the main focus
  7. Ty

    Ty Guest

    You must get the death pit correct, or else the map will fail. Shock and You should be able to get something pretty workable going though.
  8. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    we have 15 teleporters, so thats probobly how were going to do it, find the most space we can make those 15 use (both bridge and pit) and make the bridge as long as possible with that amount...if you fal you'll go into a teleporter and die instantly (in theory at least)
  9. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    Definitely. Something similar to theMallet's Gulf Chronicle death pit:
    the receiver node's outside the map and instant death, even for the monitor. I tried like hell to get out there and cruise around in this map, and couldn't do it, lol.
  10. Ty

    Ty Guest

    That's a friggin awesome Idea Squid, Are you guys doing this on foundry Insane? Or somwhere else?
  11. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    squid, that is exactly what were doing but in a circle, under the bridge will prolly be like that too

    so far the 4 we have discussed are all on foundry
  12. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    sweet...I can't wait to see it!!
  13. Ty

    Ty Guest

    You should be able to use the same death barrier method then on Foundry.
  14. Wakko45

    Wakko45 Ancient
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    Oh, I'm using that same thing squid, only two of them and much bigger for my latest map. (I ran out of bridges which is rather unfortunate.)

    I can't wait to see some of these Insane, they are sounding more awesome by the minute.
  15. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    So are you working on a SW map too or is this one of your own concoction?
    I really wish there was an option in Foundry to replace some items with others. I'd happily swap out some Forklifts and Crates for some extra Bridges or Open Boxes...
  16. Shock Theta

    Shock Theta Father of 4chub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Well there is that item duplication glitch, but no one has made an unlimited money canvas with 40 boxes and 30 walls or whatever you can do with it.. so yeah, it sucks. We all make do.
  17. Maxwell360

    Maxwell360 Ancient
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    I would go for the Jawa Sandcrawler. That would be sick with all of those breakable items and fusion coils making a big mess all around the map! I would also throw in Mustafar from episode 3 where Obi-Wan fights Anakin.

    Also, what are the gametypes going to be like? Swords and needlers or rockets and gravity hammers or something?
  18. Shock Theta

    Shock Theta Father of 4chub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    The 'lava planet' is Mustafar, but unfortunately it's far too hard to reproduce... Sandcrawler could be interesting if Mags wanted to do it, although there wasn't a duel around one. Maybe Jabba's palace could be good.

    Gametype is different depending on whether it is 2 on 1 or 1 on 1, and they are Swords + Magnum. (Rockets and Needlers, huh!?)... they also include the affects of anger and Darkside temptation...
  19. Kapura

    Kapura Ancient
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    I think that maul battle should have at least 3-4 bridges. I realize that this would cause probably a lot more blocking and deathpitting, but the payoff will be the ability to jump between the bridges (with gravlifts, probably) and the duel will be much more unpredictable.
  20. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    Or the fight on Jabba's Sail Barge. That could be cool, especially if it could be done on Sandtrap somehow. Maybe a VIP as Jabba and his minions have to defend him from Han, Luke, Lando, and Chewie. hmmm...I know Ufochaser posted a Sarlacc map here a while back, but I think it was in name only and didn't have anything to do with SW.

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