
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Race Maps' started by dYlAn DoEs WoRk, Jul 25, 2008.

  1. dYlAn DoEs WoRk

    dYlAn DoEs WoRk Ancient
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    yeah its more of a "can you complete it" type of map.
  2. coolchris007

    coolchris007 Ancient
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    a racetrack on blackot-very daring
  3. jbarron402

    jbarron402 Ancient
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    Normally I don't download these types of racetracks, but I played a dead guinea pig's jack rabbit and actually liked it. It was the same style it looks like on black out. They are fun to mess around on with your friends. I am going to give this one a download too.
  4. shaneo

    shaneo Ancient
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  5. IcexBullet

    IcexBullet Ancient
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    If you think it's so easy then post a vid of you completing it in one try. I did read your whole post and no where does it say that it's supposed to be hard to do. A normal race track is really fun and doesn't let you fall off easily so there are always close finishes. I don't even think you read your own post even if you did write it.
  6. dYlAn DoEs WoRk

    dYlAn DoEs WoRk Ancient
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    well i am very sorry ice bullet, see this was my first post and i need to practice posting maps for i did not let the readers get a very good grasp of what this map is supposed to be. thank you for clearing this up(even if you did so very impolitely) and i shall edit my post and try harder the next time i post a map.
    edit: oh no this is not a normal racetrack.
    #66 dYlAn DoEs WoRk, Aug 6, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2008
  7. IcexBullet

    IcexBullet Ancient
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    Because you cleared up your post and I've been impolite to you I gave you positive rep and I will be looking at all your future maps. Keep forging!
  8. zoner117

    zoner117 Ancient
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    Great track. I love the long dive.
  9. BboyLeon

    BboyLeon Ancient
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    I made an account on this forum specifically to state my opinion on this map. But I will be active here. This race track is the reason I joined.

    But it's not for a good reason. I am not here to complain but to state my honest opinion so that you can be a better forger the next time you make a map.

    I wanted to say that I downloaded this map and tried it out.
    Although I like the challenge, the map itself looks as if it were rushed and unplanned. The map looks as if it was constructed like a "freestyle", meaning there were no plans before hand.

    The track is NOT smooth at all and the difficulty isn't the reason why I don't like it. There are SEVERAL parts in the track that you could have fixed without having to interlock and still make the track smooth. the very first turn on the double box is horrible. It's a 90 degree turn where you have to drive slowly upon.

    The mancannon is placed wrongly or the landing area is placed wrongly. half of the time I don't land on it. But I guess you could say "it's part of the challenge". Driving on the bridges after the mancannon... is one hell of a rough ride. If you flip your mongoose over on the track, good luck trying to get it upright again because its just going to fall off when you try to flip it back.

    Difficulty : 9/10
    It's too hard of a map especially the way it was built

    Smoothness/flow : 2/10
    Too many bumps, flipovers, and 90 degree turns where you have to slow down a lot.

    Craftsmanship : 1/10
    Not interlocked, but that is excused. But what's not excused is that it's simply uneven crooked and rushed.

    Speed : 3/10
    You go too slow on this map if you want to actually finish it

    Ways to make the map better:
    - Interlock next time
    - Smoothen everything out, it will drop in difficulty level but it will sure as hell look a lot better
    - Post screenshots of EVERY turn possible. Don't show the best parts and hide the crappy parts. It might not make people like it, but at least it's honest.

    Don't get me wrong, I'm not a mean person. This is not flaming or hate speech or anything like that. This is honest constructive criticism simply to help you improve. Thank you for taking the time to read this.
    DrawingMan likes this.
  10. DrawingMan

    DrawingMan Ancient
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    Messages like the one above are the type of messages we love to read here at Forgehub. Sure it must seem semi mean, but it helps forgers map make better in the end, least, thats what I think.

    Nubs out there, take notes on BboyLeon here, he knows how to write a comment, unlike certain typical "Great map 5/5" or "im downloading now" crappy comments some of you guys leave behind.

    you sir, you get a High five


    oh, and welcome to Forgehub good sir.
  11. dYlAn DoEs WoRk

    dYlAn DoEs WoRk Ancient
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    i know it really isn't that good it was just a map shane and i made, i really cant believe it got this far, i can do better and i actually have a map coming out soon that is competitive, smooth and very well balanced.(i worked really hard on it)
    thank you, but the rep wasn't necessary, i do agree now that i see the map i couldve worked harder on this map and i should have.

    welcome to forgehub Bboyleon.
    #71 dYlAn DoEs WoRk, Aug 7, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2008
  12. FishCrackers

    FishCrackers Ancient
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    I can't finish it!
    It's so hard!
    5/5 for difficulty and creativity and interlocking.
    And yeah.
    So anyways, its good, especially if you can finish it.

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