error: please redownload if you have downloaded after "danger2urhealth" (technical difficulties) thank you hello and welcome to your worst nightmare, INsAn1ty our map! Wait a second our? yes our: shane does work and dylan does work. positive feedback is appreciated! A tricky and confusing course full of drops, tight turns, a loop, and sheer craziness. This map took ten hours to be completed by a forge nubcracker and a medium skilled forger. This map was inspired by the rollercoaster anaconda wich currently resides at kings dominion. and now everyones favorite part: the picures this is 1 of the 2 tricky drops on INsAn1ty, and the hardest (mere impossible) this is an overview of INsAn1ty(boy that gets annoying to type) this is the starting gate made by shane this is the easier 1 of the 2 drops thank for your time and please : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listingdownload shane and mines first map! please note that this is not a competitive race track but a track that is very challenging and almost impossible to complete, so please just try to beat it (it is possible) credit goes to my good friend micheal and ddoubledee69 for helping test the map and helping my keep my head on straight slaving over this map.
Dang, This looks sick man, your first picture is like a 90 degree drop, nice job on that its hard to interlock in the air, ive done a map on blackout also
Looks very fun, usually race maps dont stick out to me... but this one popped off the page. I'll DL but dont expect me to come back with gameplay feedback for a while.
The doors automatically interlock with anything. Other than that, there's no full interlocking that I can see, which doesn't matter because this map is brilliant. A floating race map on Blackout = win.
OH MAN, THATS CRAZY. the curved drops and turns are so cool man. you got my DL. Was the interlocking in air the hardest part? 5/5. keep forging.
this looks like a pretty crazy blackout racetrack. i like the looks of it, ill download and see how it plays.
OMG this is a well cool map it looks like you took really long to do and it does look smooth 10/10 i like this so much
the only thing i don't like about most race tracks is there is never enough room to pass someone. this seems to fit the bill, but i does look intense. i will try it & let you know what we think.
Dang! It looks perfect but i don't think that many people are good enough drivers to handle this awesomeness. I know i'm not... Map: 5/5
omg omg omg, this is the coolest race map i have ever seen!!! at least floating in the air. great job 5/5
if any of you have trouble with the loop thing mke sure your left wheel is on the very left of the mancannon